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In the realm of gods where legends unfold,
Aphrodite, a deity of love, we behold.
Born from sea foam, a divine rebirth,
Goddess of beauty, enchanting the earth.

Golden tresses cascade like the sun's embrace,
A celestial form, with an ethereal grace.
In her eyes, the allure of the ocean's gaze,
Aphrodite, in mythic tales, forever ablaze.

On Mount Olympus, she reigns supreme,
In the hearts of mortals, a recurring dream.
A confluence of passion, in her essence we find,
The muse of poets, in love's tender bind.

People pray to Aphrodite's sacred shrine,
Seeking the blessings of love so divine.
In whispers, they invoke her name,
A plea for passion, in love's eternal flame.

Goddess of desire, in every sigh,
Aphrodite's presence, ever nigh.
Adorned in robes of celestial sheen,
In her aura, love's enchantment is seen.

Mortal hearts, entwined in her embrace,
Drawn to her temple, a sacred space.
Candles flicker in devotion's glow,
As prayers to Aphrodite gently flow.

Her statues grace the temples grand,
A beacon of beauty, in every land.
From Greece to Rome, her legend grows,
Aphrodite's essence in every rose.

In love's tapestry, she weaves her thread,
A divine patroness, where passions are led.
Mortals beseech her, in moments of despair,
Praying for love's tender care.

Why do people pray to Aphrodite's shrine?
For in the realms of love, her grace does shine.
She bestows the gift of passion's fire,
Igniting hearts with love's sweet lyre.

In the garden of romance, where feelings bloom,
Aphrodite's presence lifts the gloom.
Her blessings sought in every kiss,
A connection profound, in love's sweet abyss.

So, people pray to the goddess above,
Aphrodite's grace, an eternal love.
In the tender moments, where hearts entwine,
They seek her favor, in love's design.

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