scents and smells

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In the palette of hues where emotions sway,
Blue emerges in a tranquil display.
A color that cradles the vastness of sky,
A canvas where day and night gently lie.

Azure whispers in the cerulean breeze,
Caressing the ocean with calming ease.
A reflection in lakes, serene and still,
Blue, a hue that the soul can fill.

In the tapestry of twilight, a cobalt embrace,
A celestial journey through infinite space.
The color of dreams that shimmer and sigh,
Blue paints the canvas of the midnight sky.

Yet, there's more to the tale, a fragrance unseen,
A scent that dances in realms serene.
Pink chiffon, a melody of petals soft,
In the symphony of senses, its essence wafts.

Bath and Body Works, a potion so sweet,
Pink chiffon's embrace, a fragrance to meet.
Soft whispers of floral, a blush in the air,
Notes of vanilla, a scent so rare.

Imagine the sky, a serene canvas of blue,
And in its essence, a fragrance that's true.
Pink chiffon's dance in the azure expanse,
A sensory journey, a romantic trance.

Through fields of lavender and roses fair,
Pink chiffon weaves an aromatic affair.
A touch of sweetness, a whispering breeze,
In the fragrant garden, a moment to seize.

Blue and pink chiffon, a poetic duet,
In the palette of senses, where memories are set.
The color of calm and the scent of delight,
A symphony of hues and fragrances so bright.

So, close your eyes, envision the hue,
Feel the scent, let it transport you.
Blue and pink chiffon, an artful blend,
In this sensory journey, where dreams transcend.

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