the wings of grief

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In shadows deep, where sorrow weaves its thread,

Grief emerges, a silent force widespread.

A heavy cloak, draped upon the soul,

A tale untold, where broken spirits stroll.

Beneath the moonlit veil of endless night,

Echoes linger, whispers of lost light.

Tears cascade like a melancholy stream,

Each drop a fragment of a shattered dream.

A somber symphony in the heart's lament,

Grief, a haunting melody, never spent.

In the caverns of despair, echoes resound,

Aching chords of memories tightly wound.

Faces etched with lines of silent pain,

Grief's touch leaves scars, a lasting stain.

The dance of shadows in the dim-lit room,

A waltz with sorrow, a lingering gloom.

Yet, in the depths, resilience finds its birth,

A glimmer of hope, a fleeting mirth.

Through the cracks, a sliver of light appears,

Grief's journey marked by shedding tears.

In the tapestry of loss, threads intertwine,

A mosaic of sorrow, a design divine.

Through the pain, emerges strength untold,

Grief's story, a narrative, slowly unfolds.

So, let the verses of lamentation flow,

In the arms of time, healing will bestow.

Grief, a chapter in the book of life,

Where echoes fade, and healing is rife.

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