the truth of being 18

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At eighteen's doorstep, a crossroads unfurls,
A journey begun in a chaotic world.
From the shadows of abuse, a tale is spun,
What they don't tell you when the journey's begun.

In the hallowed halls of teenage dreams,
An abused child's reality teems.
Behind the mask of a vibrant age,
Lies the weight of an untold cage.

They don't tell you of the silent screams,
Echoing through shattered dreams.
The scars unseen, etched deep within,
A legacy of pain that continues to begin.

At eighteen, when freedom calls,
An abused child's courage enthralls.
But behind the curtain of newfound liberty,
Lies a past painted in shades of misery.

They don't tell you of the haunting past,
The memories that forever last.
Innocence stolen, a stolen youth,
A tapestry woven in threads uncouth.

The trust shattered in the abuser's den,
A cycle of torment that begins again.
Behind the laughter and hopeful gaze,
Lies the aftermath of darkened days.

They don't tell you of the battles fought,
In the war within, lessons sought.
Haunted by shadows, a relentless foe,
At eighteen, the scars begin to show.

In the pursuit of dreams, a silent plea,
An abused child yearning to be free.
Yet within the echoes of the past,
Lingers a shadow that's bound to last.

They don't tell you of the healing strife,
The journey to reclaim one's life.
A survivor's path, marked with pain,
At eighteen, a fight that won't wane.

In the mirror's reflection, resilience found,
A strength that echoes, an empowering sound.
At eighteen, rising from the debris,
An abused child discovers the power to be free.

So, what they don't tell you at the threshold's gate,
Is the survivor's spirit, undeterred by fate.
In the tapestry of an abused child's tale,
At eighteen, a resilience to prevail.

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