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In shadows cast by haunting past,
A tale unfolds, a pain amassed.
Trauma's grip, a cruel embrace,
It alters minds, distorts life's grace.

The heart once whole, now fractured, scarred,
In every step, the memories marred.
A silent echo, screams within,
A battle waged, where do we begin?

Through the corridors of fractured time,
The echoes of trauma, a haunting chime.
A shattered mirror reflects the soul,
In broken pieces, stories unfold.

It's not just pain, it's a shifting sea,
A turbulent storm, inside of me.
The world transformed, colors turned to gray,
In the aftermath, where dreams decay.

A prisoner of the mind, bound by chains,
Haunted whispers, unspoken pains.
Trust, a fragile flower crushed by fear,
In the garden of the soul, despair draws near.

The dance with shadows, a relentless waltz,
A silent scream in the soul's vaults.
The canvas painted with shades of dread,
As trauma weaves its web, an intricate thread.

In every heartbeat, a tale untold,
Of battles fought, of dreams controlled.
Yet, resilience whispers through the night,
A flicker of hope, a dimming light.

For healing is a journey, slow and steep,
Through valleys dark, where secrets seep.
But in the heart's chambers, strength resides,
A phoenix rising, where hope abides.

So let us grasp the threads of grace,
Reclaim our souls from trauma's embrace.
For in the brokenness, we find our might,
Emerging from the shadows into the light.

Poems From The HeartWhere stories live. Discover now