tourner dans le vide

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In the shadows of a moonlit night,

The melody weaves its enchanting might.

Tourner dans le vide, a song so divine,

A symphony that makes the heart entwine.

As the notes cascade, a royal decree,

Whispers of love, a dark fantasy.

In the tapestry of tales, romance unfolds,

A sovereign spirit, in mysteries untold.

Through the corridors of time, it echoes,

A ballad of passion, where darkness bestows.

I, a monarch in this nocturnal domain,

Cloaked in regal attire, love's sweet refrain.

The rhythm, a dance of silken grace,

In the court of shadows, a royal embrace.

Each note a decree, a crown on my soul,

A sovereign presence, a love to extol.

In the echoes of Tourner dans le vide,

I become a character in stories, so vivid.

A sovereign of hearts, entwined in the night,

A regal figure in the dimming twilight.

The verses narrate a tale of amour,

Of crowns and thorns, of passion's power.

A sovereign heartbeat, beats in time,

A ruler of emotions, a love so sublime.

The music swirls, a waltz of desire,

In the realm of darkness, passion sets fire.

Tourner dans le vide, a royal decree,

A ballad that crowns my heart, wild and free.

In the ballrooms of dreams, I take the lead,

Dancing through chapters of a love indeed.

A monarch in shadows, a figurehead,

Tourner dans le vide, where romances are bred.

So, in the embrace of this melodic ride,

I am royalty in those dark romance strides.

A sovereign soul, crowned by the song,

Tourner dans le vide, where I belong.

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