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In the land of commerce, beneath fluorescent light,

Walmart stands colossal, a beacon in the night.

To a child's eyes, it's more than just a store,

A labyrinth of wonders, mystery at its core.

Through automatic doors, a gateway unfurls,

A child steps into a realm of myriad worlds.

Shopping carts become chariots, navigating aisles,

Walmart's vast expanse, where adventure compiles.

Brightly colored aisles, a treasure trove of delight,

Toys and treats, a kaleidoscope in their sight.

A wonderland of aisles, each one a tale,

The promise of discovery, the youthful heart's sail.

In the toy section's embrace, dreams come alive,

Shelves brimming with possibilities to strive.

Action figures and dolls, each with a story to tell,

A child's imagination, an enchanted spell.

Electronics whisper secrets in the hushed tones,

Gadgets and gizmos, in silicon undertones.

The mysteries of technology, a child's intrigue,

Walmart, a playground where curiosity peaks.

The clothing department, a realm of transformation,

A child adorned in choices, a sartorial celebration.

Fabrics and hues, an array so vast,

Walmart, the canvas where styles are cast.

Through the grocery aisles, a sensory delight,

Colors and scents, a banquet in plain sight.

Mountains of snacks, a cornucopia untold,

Walmart, the pantry where cravings unfold.

Yet, beneath the fluorescent glow and stocked shelves,

A child senses something more, a mystery that dwells.

The hum of whispers, the shuffle of carts,

Walmart's heartbeat, where stories impart.

Checkout lanes, a portal to the outside,

Walmart's exit, a pause in the child's ride.

Yet the mystery lingers, in the parking lot's sprawl,

What tales lie beyond this retail wall?

To a child, Walmart is a realm unknown,

A palace of commerce where mysteries are sown.

In each aisle, a secret waiting to be unfurled,

Walmart, a kingdom where childhood dreams swirl.

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