tales of the parentless child

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In a world where innocence should reign,
A child of four, cast out in heartache's bane.
His laughter silenced, his tiny heart broken,
A tale of disownment, painful words spoken.

Once cradled in love's tender embrace,
Now abandoned, lost in life's cruel race.
Parents, once pillars, now turned away,
Leaving the child to face a somber day.

At four, a tender soul marked by fate,
Thrown into a world cold, desolate.
The warmth of home, a distant memory,
Replaced by shadows, a bitter legacy.

No bedtime stories, no lullabies sweet,
Only echoes of a love in swift retreat.
The child's eyes, bewildered and wide,
Reflecting the pain, the tears he'd hide.

In the orphaned echoes of a forsaken room,
A heartache blooms, a relentless gloom.
Tiny footsteps, once pitter-patter light,
Now echo in the silence of a desolate night.

His toys lay scattered, like dreams torn asunder,
A childhood shattered, a thunderous plunder.
Abandoned at a tender age, too young to comprehend,
A tale of heartbreak that refuses to mend.

Lonely nights, where stars weep in the sky,
The child, now an orphan, asking why.
Innocence lost, like petals in the breeze,
A soul adrift, tossed on sorrow's seas.

Yet, in the pain, resilience takes hold,
A story unfolds, of strength untold.
The child disowned, but not defeated,
Carries within a spirit undefeated.

For in the journey through darkness and despair,
He finds compassion, a love to repair.
In the arms of strangers, a new family forms,
A refuge from the heart's relentless storms.

So, let this tale be a testament of might,
A child disowned, yet finding light.
In the tapestry of pain, resilience weaves,
A story of hope that eternally believes.

Poems From The HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora