silent fortress

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In the quiet realms where shadows dance,
Silent solitude, a mystic trance.
A whispered hush, a tranquil sigh,
Nature's symphony, beneath the sky.

Beneath the moon's soft silver glow,
Solitude, a companion to know.
Echoes of silence, a gentle stream,
In the realm of dreams, a silent seam.

Amidst the trees, a rustling breeze,
Whispers secrets through the leaves.
A symphony of silence, profound,
Where solitude's embrace is found.

In the heart of stillness, a sacred space,
A tranquil pause, a timeless grace.
Footprints left in the sands of time,
Solitude's poetry, in every rhyme.

The sun descends, a fiery farewell,
Casting shadows in the quiet dell.
A canvas painted with hues so deep,
Silent solitude, a promise to keep.

Stars emerge in the velvet night,
A celestial quilt, woven tight.
In solitude's embrace, a soul takes flight,
Lost in the vastness of the quiet night.

A hermit's haven, a recluse's lair,
Solitude's cloak, woven with care.
In the silence, whispers of the soul,
A symphony of one, a story to unfold.

The world may chatter, in tumultuous tone,
Yet in solitude, one is not alone.
For within the quiet, a universe resides,
A sanctuary where the spirit abides.

Silent solitude, a timeless friend,
A journey that has no clear end.
In the stillness, where echoes play,
A soul finds peace, in solitude's way.

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