emerald tears (requested)

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In the emerald realm of love's sweet gaze,
A journey unfolds in a verdant maze.
Beneath the canopy of a lush, green bower,
Two souls embark on a love-fueled hour.

Through meadows bathed in nature's hue,
They wander, entwined, their hearts anew.
A flowing river, love's gentle stream,
Carves its path, like a vivid, vibrant dream.

In the dance of leaves, a whispered vow,
Love blooms and blossoms, here and now.
The color green, a symbol so serene,
Nature's palette paints this love pristine.

Each step they take, a rhythmic beat,
In love's journey, where two hearts meet.
Like the river's current, strong and sure,
Their love flows, an eternal allure.

Falling in love, a cascade so divine,
A torrent of emotions, a sweet incline.
The river of passion, it ebbs and sways,
Reflecting the hues of love's embrace.

With every ripple, a shared heartbeat,
A journey embarked, their souls complete.
Through valleys of joy, and peaks of bliss,
Love's river flows, an endless kiss.

Green, the color of life and growth,
In love's garden, they take their oath.
A tapestry woven, shades of devotion,
A love story, an endless ocean.

So let the journey of love unfold,
In the greenery of stories untold.
For in the heart's river, forever in sync,
Love is the verdant, eternal link.

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