what are friends?

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In the realm of camaraderie, where hearts entwine,
A tapestry of bonds, woven divine.
Friends emerge as stars in life's vast array,
Guiding through darkness, lighting the way.

A symphony of laughter, echoing sweet,
Moments of joy, memories to repeat.
Through seasons of change, they stand the test,
An unbroken thread, weaving life's best.

In the garden of friendship, blooms abound,
Nurtured by care, in trust they're found.
Each petal a story, every leaf a shared tear,
Together they weather, every joy and fear.

Friends are pillars, sturdy and strong,
In the dance of life, they move along.
Shouldering burdens, dividing the weight,
A comforting presence in fate's twist of fate.

Through valleys low and peaks so high,
Friends accompany, never saying goodbye.
Their essence, a potion of solace and cheer,
A source of comfort when troubles draw near.

In the mosaic of existence, colors blend,
With friends as hues, the picture won't end.
Shared secrets whisper like a gentle breeze,
Binding hearts tightly with effortless ease.

No judgment, no pretense, just acceptance true,
In the sanctuary of friendship, hearts renew.
A treasure trove of memories, precious and rare,
Woven in the tapestry, they eternally share.

So, cherish the bonds, the laughter, the tears,
For in the embrace of friends, allays the fears.
A poem of friendship, a tale well-spun,
In the saga of life, friends are second to none.

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