becoming history

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Time ticks by, years come and go

Aging is a process we can't control

With each passing day, we grow a bit old

Memories fade, but stories we hold

Lines on our faces, a silver in our hair

Proof of the journey we've been on, with care

Our bodies may weaken, but our spirit remains

Through ups and downs, we've weathered the strains

The world around us, it changes so fast

But in our hearts, our youth will forever last

Though we may walk at a slower pace

Our wisdom and experience, we can embrace

We've seen the seasons, come and go

Watched our loved ones, as they've grown

From naive youth, to wise and bold

Our love for them, will never grow old

With each year, our perspectives may shift

But we hold on to memories, like a precious gift

We learn to appreciate, the little things in life

And cherish moments, with our loved ones by our side

Though we may not be as strong as before

Our hearts are filled with love, even more

For every wrinkle, tells a story untold

And with age, we've become more precious than gold

So let the years pass, with grace and pride

Embrace the journey, and enjoy the ride

For growing old, is a blessing in disguise

We've lived a life well-lived, let us close our eyes.

Poems From The HeartWhere stories live. Discover now