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"How is it finished in less than a month?"

Don't even ask me because I don't know.

Although finishing a story this fast might lead to some mistakes. I'm for sure not 100% satisfied with it. Like, there should've been more parts of Rose helping Thomas with his trauma, there should've been more of the recovery, they could've met Chuck earlier, and dug deeper into Newt's attempt, but I still hope you enjoyed :)

(Damn, that's a lot of improvements this story needs)

Anyway, I loved writing it, though!! It's far from perfect, but there's always readers keeping up and excited for the new chapters, so I'll accept it ㋛

Thank you so much for all the support! Though I don't always reply, I do read every comment and I love every second of that. Thank you to literally any reader!

Again, I hope you enjoyed. Hope to see you soon, in either one of my old fics, or maybe one I'm writing after this

Give me some tips, perhaps!!

Either way: the next story will be an enemies to lovers one with Gally, in the Glade :)

x Vera

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