Chapter Two

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Hogwarts was just as MJ had remembered, except, somehow, it felt colder, like maybe a bit of the happiness that was there before was gone.
Madalie-Jane looked across the Great Hall towards the Slytherin table, where Mattheo was already looking at her, she blushed and looked away, unable to forget how his lips felt against hers.
Tom had looked to where his brother was looking and smirked. The Riddle brothers had been taught legilimency at a young age, by their crazy ass mother, who is fortunately rotting in Azkaban.
"So you two were snogging in that compartment."
Mattheo had choked on his drink, gaining the attention of their friends, giving his brother a sideways glare, he told his friends that he drank too much at the same time, the gullible dumbass's bought it, Pansy and Draco however, had given the two a look, looked at each other, and then continued eating.
"What if we were? Flint was giving her hell, and then I freaked. Thinking that he hurt her. I guess we got caught up in the moment and one thing led to another and we kissed."
"He didn't hurt her did he?" Like the others, Tom was protective of their Hufflepuff friend. Though she could definitely break the cliche of Hufflepuffs being nice and calm, he still wanted to make sure that she was safe.
"No. Thankfully. Or I would have really killed the bastard."
"You and our entire friend group." Tom sighed before continuing.

"Look. Look at how far we have gotten. All of this, our friends, no scratch that, our family, this is because we didn't let our deranged parents reputations define us. We have proven that we are more than the monsters that people think we are. I'm proud of you little brother. I know I don't say it much, but I am glad that I got you."
Even when speaking in their heads Tom was never this sentimental. Mattheo looked around making sure that none of their friends were paying attention to them. Just before he could ask Tom if he was okay, Dumbledore began his yearly back to school speech, it was only then did the Riddle brothers notice the new person totally clad in pink from head to toe. Mattheo thought his head was going to explode if he stared at her too long.
"Welcome, welcome. To another year at Hogwarts. To our newest additions, we are so very glad to have you, and to our returning students, welcome back. I would like to introduce our new member of staff, Professor Grubbly-Plank, taking over for Professor Hagrid while he is on leave. As well as the new Defense Against Dark Arts teacher, Professor Dolores Umbridge. Now-" Dumbledore was cut off by a not so subtle cough from Professor Pinky.
"Thank you Headmaster for those kind words of welcome, and how lovely to see all of your bright, happy faces smiling up at me. I'm sure we're all going to be very good friends."

After Umbridge's boring speech MJ was suddenly wide awake when she heard a voice in her head.
"You alright there love?"
She didn't want to make it obvious that she had heard something so she continued eating, acting like everything was normal.
"Mattheo? How are you. . .I must be going crazy. Seriously, how are you doing thi- wait, didn't the crazy bitch teach you and Tom legilimency?"
"Yes she did. Are you okay? Y'know after we-"
"Kissed? More than okay. Mattheo we-" MJ was interrupted by Dumbeldore telling them to head off to their dormitories.

§ Authors Note §
This one is kinda short. I have this whole story written out on my notes, and on there it seems longer, now I'm just transferring every chapter over to Wattpad, and after all the hard work that I had done, it does t seem like a whole lot.

Anywho, till next time. I'm out.

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