Chapter Forty Three

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All the parents were gushing over the twins. Lucius had accidentally made little Micah cry when Draco had told him that he was named after him, he gasped so loud that it had stirred the newborn awake. Which woke up little Marilyn that Pansy was holding. She looked over at her crying brother, side eyed him then looked around for her mother. She pouted her lip out when she couldn't find her or her dad.
"Maddie, I think Mare is looking for you or Mattheo." Just as Pansy said Maddie and Mattheo's names, Marilyn started crying. Mattheo was by Pansy's side in an instant, Maddie had calmed little Micah down, she offered back to Draco but Blaise wanted him, as soon as Micah was in Blaise's hands, he started crying again.
"It's alright buddy, you're okay. I won't hurt you. Your dad will kill me, so will your mom." Blaise continued to talk to Micah and he calmed down some. The others looked at Blaise shocked. He was always one of the ones that said he disliked kids because they cried too much.
"Pansy, careful, Blaise'll be wanting kids next."
"Never in his wildest dreams." The group laughed.
"How about lunch?"
"I could eat. I've been dying to eat a slice of pizza again. Or anything in general."
"Would it be suitable if we still called her a Hangry Hufflepuff?"
"Not unless you want me to stab you with a fork Nott."
"Mattheo, your fiancé is being mean to me."
"Don't drag me into this. I don't want to get stabbed with a fork either. I also refuse to go back to the hospital." Everyone laughed as they made their way towards the dining room.

"Molly please, you are a guest here, I can handle this. Please sit down."
"Oh nonsense, I'm a bit of a cook myself."
"You might stop while you're ahead Marilyn, there isn't a kitchen that Molly has been in and she hasn't cooked."
"Well if you insist." The two women were joined by Pansy's mother, Narcissa, Blaise's mum, and Hermione's mom.
"We figured you both could use some help."
"Those two grand babies of yours Marilyn are the sweetest little things."
"Aren't they. I am so proud of her and Mattheo. They have been through so much, they all have. Micah and I have been thinking. Once Madalie and Mattheo are married, they're going to want their own home. We know we already got them the car. But, we do have that vacation home in the country that we used to take the kids to during the summer break. It would be perfect for them. It's spacious, plenty of rooms, lots of land.  Plus it's out of town, no neighbors. Mattheo would like that part, both of them aren't really people,people." The women laughed.
"Jean, what's Muggle London like?"
"Well, I'm not sure what you mean."
"I just mean is it a good place to raise a child?"
"We did alright with Hermione, we weren't entirely too sure when she got her letter for Hogwarts, but we didn't have to worry about the neighborhood kids, a few of the other muggle born witches and wizards came from our neighborhood."
"Lucius is warming up to the idea of Muggle borns, I believe your husband was showing him his electronic device." Laughter resonated from the kitchen again. They heard a shriek from a baby and went to the dining room. The sight before them had made the women laugh so hard, they were clutching their stomachs. Apparently the twins love a prank just as much as the Weasley twins and Theo and Enzo. Though they are only barely a week old, they grow faster than a muggle child, only because of the magic that runs through their veins. Blaise and Pansy had offered to feed the twins while Mattheo and Maddie fed themselves. Little Marilyn and Micah had thrown their food bowls at the two and now they were covered in baby food. The twins were laughing so hard at their godparents that the both of them were wheezing. Mattheo and Maddie chuckled at their kids. They were going to be okay.

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