Chapter Twenty Six

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Mattheo moved in front of his friends protectively. Especially Maddie.
"What are you doing?"
"Trust me."
Maddie reached for his hand, he interlaced their fingers together. Mattheo had to really focus if he wanted to warn everyone's parents without causing a panic.
"Nobody makes any sudden moves. This is not my brother."
"What the hell are you talking about?"
"Dad, I really wouldn't question him."
"Lorenzo, this is not a time for joking."
"I'm not. If Mattheo says that that isn't Tom, then it isn't."
"How can you be so sure? He looks like him, sounds like him."
"Doesn't necessarily mean that it's him. I know my brother Mr. Berkshire. That is my father."
"You always were the quickest one to figure things out. Unlike your useless sister."
One minute Tom was standing in front of them, the next, Voldemort was replacing Tom.
"What did you do to my brother?"
"Don't worry. He's fine. As long as he can swim. Tom is merely chained at the bottom of the Black Lake. He only has three hours left. If you want to save him, and your precious little girlfriend that you're hiding behind you, you'll do exactly as I say."
MJ was pretty sure that she broke a knuckle in her and Mattheo's hand, if she did, neither one of them were showing it.
"What is it that you want?"
"It's simple really. All you have to do, is say goodbye to your beloved friends and join me and your mother, where you belong. I assure you that no harm will come to them, unless you have the stomach to go against what I tell you to do, I'll kill anyone and everyone that you have ever known. Including your sister." Mattheo's blood ran cold. His hand went rigid in Maddie's. Glaring at his father, he had his mind made. He wasn't about to let any of them suffer because of them. Seeing this as an opportunity to perhaps get rid of his parents once and for all.
"Can I at least have time to say goodbye?"
"If you must. One hour. No more." Just as fast as he appeared, he was gone again.
"Mattheo. Tell me that you're not seriously thinking about doing this?"
"He'll kill you the second he gets the chance. Don't do this."
"Draco's right man, you can't."
"Mattheo, listen to me son, use your instincts, what are they telling you?"
"They're telling me to go with him. If I don't, I risk losing everyone. Tom, Maddie, everyone. If I do, there's a good chance that I don't survive anything."
Madalie's head was spinning, she stumbled backwards into Pansy, who supported her. She tugged on Mattheo's hand, making him face her.
Mattheo couldn't bear to look her in the eyes, she grabbed his face in her hands, their foreheads colliding.
"I'm sorry. I fucked up, I should have realized sooner, this wouldn't have happened."
"Shh. Stop. Stop blaming yourself. This is not your fault. How ever long it takes, I will wait for you to come back to me. I promise. I will be okay. It's going to hurt like hell, but I will be okay. I knew the risks of being with you. I don't care. You are worth everything to me. That is not changing. When you come back, I'll be here."  Both of them had tears running down their faces. Mattheo pulled MJ into a bone crushing hug. His arms wrapped around her neck, pressing a kiss to her temple. Her arms wrapped around him the same way. Pansy was sobbing against Blaise's shoulder, Blaise letting a few tears fall. Draco made the first move in moving towards the sobbing couple, hugging both of them, with so much force that the air was knocked out of their lungs. Pansy, Blaise, and Enzo joined the hug. The six of them letting their tears fall. Not caring who was around to see it. The parents were also having a hard time keeping their composure. Professor Sprout and Flitwick were dabbing their eyes, Snape had an even more solemn look on his face than normal. Professor McGonagall was handed a tissue by Dumbledore.
Draco broke the hug.
"You. Take care of yourself you hear me? If anything happens to you, and I mean anything, you'll have hell to pay."
"Don't let him get to you. You come back to us in one piece."
"I'll look after her. We all will. I promise." Mattheo nodded at Pansy's words. Micah and Maralyn made their way to the group of teenagers.
"We can't thank you enough for everything that you have done for our girl. She loves you and so do we. Come back home to us. To her."
"This does not mean that the respect that I have for you is lost Mattheo. If anything, it's only made me think of you more highly."
Mattheo shook hands with Micah, hugging Maralyn, he moved back to Maddie.
"I will do everything that I can to come back to you. I promise you. I will always love you, and always protect you. Can you promise me something? Promise me that no matter how long I'm gone, you won't worry about me?"
"I'll always worry about you. There is no denying that."
Mattheo chuckled softly. He raised his hands and ran his hands through MJ's hair, kissing her forehead, lingering in that position for a few minutes. Savoring his last moments with the love of his life for as long as he possibly can. Maddie cling onto Mattheo, wrapping her hands around his arms. Mattheo pulled back, and looked at Maddie. He leaned his head down and captured her lips with his. She took his face in her hands, his hands cradled her face. Breaking apart for air, Voldemort had returned.
"Have you made a decision?"
"I have. I'll go with you. On one condition, nothing happens to any of them. Not one hair is to be touched on any of their heads, if something happens to them, I will kill you. I mean that with every fiber of my being. Is that clear?" Voldemort smiled evilly, his rotted teeth showing.
"Of course. I'm a man of my word."
Draco had to refrain from rolling his eyes, stopping hisself from scoffing. Blaise nudged his side, Pansy had to bite her tongue. Enzo stood by his mother and father. Not wanting to watch one of his best friends sacrifice his life for everything and everyone.
"Alright. Let's get this over with." Mattheo walked toward his father. His hand slowly falling out of MJ's grasp. Both of them immediately missing the warmth of each other. Sending a last small smile to Maddie, both were gone in an instant. Maddie couldn't help but stare at the spot that the only man that she had ever loved was just standing. He was gone.

§ Authors Note §

All I have to say for this is. . . . I'm sorry.
I'm out.

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