Chapter Five

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Madame Pomfrey suggested that she give MJ a sleeping draught to help calm her down, MJ refused, knowing that all she needed was her friends. Mattheo had stayed by her side through the whole thing, never once letting go of her hand, Pansy neither. Theo, Enzo, and Draco had stayed at the foot of her bed, Blaise on the side of Pansy, Tom on Mattheo's side.
"Alright. You can all go. Keep an eye on her, make sure she eats plenty, drinks water, and rests. I will ask if you can all go into the Hufflepuff common room. Her own space can be a comfort. Just need you to sign these papers, and you can be on your way."
"Thank you Madame Pomfrey. We all really appreciate it."
Madalie picked up the clipboard with the papers and tried to start signing them.
"Mattheo, I can't sign these papers with only one hand."
"Mattheo, let her sign the damn papers, so we can get the hell out of here before I go beat the shit out of those goddamn idiots."
"Not without me you're not."
"The hell you mean just you? I would like a piece of the assholes too."
"Excuse you! If anyone gets to beat the hell out of them it's going to be me. Those bastards hurt my best friend."
"How about we all just go and kill them. Make them suffer."
"We could always just drown them in the Black Lake."
"I like Draco's idea, let's do that."
"HELLO! Flint and Pucey are getting the worst possible treatment if I have anything to say about it, and believe me I will. For all I care, you can all beat them to death, and then they can spend the rest of their pathetic lives rotting in Azkaban."
"Let's go with MJ's idea. I - I like that one."
"I'm afraid that no one is beating anyone any time soon. The Minister of Magic has already decided their punishment. Both Mr. Flint, and Mr. Pucey are to be expelled from Hogwarts, obliviated of their magic, sent to a muggle school in the United States, under new identities. Their parents have agreed and would like to formally apologize on behalf of their son's behavior. Now, as for the arrangements of where everyone will be staying. We have all noticed the strong friendship between the eight of you. With that being said, there is going to be a room, much like the common rooms, for all of you. To yourselves. Your belongings have already been moved by the house elves. Right this way please."

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