Chapter Thirty

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Maddie groaned, the bright light stinging her eyes. Her body was incredibly sore, it took a second then everything came back to her. What Flint, Pucey, and Hannah did to her. She tried to move her hand to shield her eyes, but something was holding it down. She heard a gasp to her left, she turned her head and saw Pansy and Blaise. It was Draco who was holding her right hand down. Everyone's parents had practically forced them out to at least try and something, sleep and shower.
"Thank god you're okay. You scared the shit out of us."
"I wouldn't say that I'm okay. I'm sorry for running out like I did I-"
"Stop. You have nothing to be sorry about. I shouldn't have jumped your ass about punching Abbott. I'm sorry."
"You did what?" Micah and Marilyn stared at their daughter in disbelief, shock, and surprise.
"I punched Hannah Abbott. She was talking shit about all of us, including Mattheo. I wasn't going to just stand there and take it. I'm tired of people walking all over me." Madam Pomfrey walked in.
"Oh thank Merlin you're awake. Little warning to you all, three more people are being brought into the Hospital wing. You all may want to hold your children back."
"This isn't going to be good." Flint, Pucey, Abbott walked into the Hospital Wing. Draco, Blaise, Tom, Theo, Enzo, and Pansy stood up in a flash. Marilyn had to hold her husband back, though she wanted to severely hurt the teenagers as well.
"What the hell are they doing here?"
"Give us one damn good reason as to why we shouldn't beat the hell out of you?"
"I'm itching to get into a fight."
"You and me both."
"You pieces of shit will pay for this. This time you won't get away." The three of them chuckled and smirked at the teens.
"Haven't we already? We got what we wanted. You all to suffer. That was our plan all along. We wanted to make all of you feel so helpless and weak that we went for your soft spot. Slytherins don't have soft spots. Not for anyone. All of you paraded around this school like you owned it, everyone avoiding you in the halls. It was bullshit."
"So what? You were jealous so you attacked one of the only people that we care about? Get over yourself Flint."
"Why the hell would I be jealous of you Malfoy? Your girlfriend is a mudblood, your best friend is one of You Know Who's sons, and your father is a prejudice asshole. I don't see much to be jealous of." Flint smirked, he knew he hit a nerve within all of them, he just didn't know he was going to regret it in two seconds.
"So what if my girlfriend is a muggle, it doesn't matter to me, I love her regardless of her blood status. My father may be a prejudice asshole but at least he taught me to have some respect, not just for others, but for myself as well. Perhaps your father could learn a thing or two from mine." Flint's smirk dropped, he lunged for Draco, before he could even try and hit him, he was out like a light on the ground, Draco was shaking his hand out.
"Damn Malfoy. Remind me not to cross him." Blaise whispered the last part to Pansy, who was still standing beside Maddie. The two girls giggled quietly.
"Shit, he's out cold."
"I'm not the one that got punched and my jaw hurts."
"Yeah well, no one insults my girl without getting their ass beat." Hermione didn't know whether to scold Draco for knocking Flint out, though he definitely deserved it, she was frozen in her spot at the fact that he said he loves her.
"Hermione, love you alright?" Hermione kissed Draco passionately, she pulled away, much to his disliking.
"I love you." Draco's eyes widened, he smiled and blushed softly.
"I love you too." Maddie squealed, scaring the wits out of all of them.
"What's wrong? Are you okay?"
"What happened?"
"There is a spider at the foot of my bed. Someone kill it. I'm being dead ass serious, kill it." Blaise snorted, Theo and Enzo avoided each other's eyes, knowing they would laugh.
"Okay, the big bad spider is gone. It won't hurt you. Why are you crying?"
"It could have had a family."
"You asked one of us to kill. Now you're worried about it having a family?" Draco pinched the bridge of his nose, it really was like handling a toddler.

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