Chapter Twenty One

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After stopping Tom from killing Theo and Enzo for what would be the thousandth time, the friends were all once again in their room. The girls were getting ready for the party.
"Are you two almost done?"
"No. How many times are you going to ask that? We'll be ready when we're ready."
Blaise held his hands in surrender. Draco and Mattheo were playing a round of Wizards Chess. Theo and Enzo were playing Exploding Snap, Tom was reading a book that he had found on the shelf.
"Okay now we're ready. How do we look?"
Blaise looked at Pansy, he was absolutely frozen. Pansy wore a dark green dress, not to tight, but not to loose either, the shoulder straps hung to her arms. Her hair was curled, and she had a nude makeup look. MJ had a similar dress on, except hers was silver.
Mattheo couldn't take his eyes off of her. He was absolutely mesmerized by her blue eyes.
"Holy shit. You look, wow. You look breathtaking."
Maddie blushed as Mattheo walked toward her and kissed her forehead. MJ blushed and the group headed to the party.

"So glad that you guys could make it."
"You sure you mean all of us or are you just saying that to Draco?" Theo got whacked on the back of his head by Tom, Enzo laughed and avoided getting hit too. He tried to run but instead he ran straight into Luna, effectively knocking both of them down.
"Sorry bout that Luna. Didn't see you there."
"Thats quite alright. Enzo?"
"Do you think maybe you could. . ."
"Oh right. Yeah, sorry about that." Both got up from the floor, Luna waved to everyone whilst they were watching in amusement at Enzo.
"I'll see you around Berkshire."
"Oh um, see ya."
While Enzo watched Luna walk away, it wasn't until Theo snapped his fingers in front of his face that he came back down from the heavens.
"You alright mate?"
"I think I'm in love."
"With Lovegood?"
"I say go for it. Bout time I find a girlfriend for myself anyways. Pretty soon we'll be the only single ones in the group."
"You're right."
"So we're not going acknowledge the fact that Enzo is in love with Lovegood?"
"Got to say I did not see that one coming."
"I did." After receiving wide eyed looks from everyone, Theo continued to explain.
"I talked to Luna the other night when Umbridge took us all hostage. I was thanking her for her help. She asked if I knew if Enzo fancied anyone. I told her that I could ask if she wanted, she said no. She also told me that she's had a small crush on him for awhile, just never acted on it."
"Learn something new everyday."
"Thats for sure."
"I think its cute."
"Of course you do."
"Watch it Malfoy." Draco gulped, MJ slapped Mattheo's chest playfully.
"Stop being mean. Apologize."
"For what? Defending you?"
"You do know that I can take care of myself right?"
"You shouldn't have to."
"Mattheo." Seeing the look on MJ's face, he turned to Draco who had one arm wrapped around Hermione, with a smug look on his face.
"Do I have to?"
"Do you want me to walk away?"
Mattheo sighed.
"Just be nice."
"I'm finding it."

. . .

"It takes you that long?"
"It does." MJ huffed, crossed her arms and glared at Mattheo.
"He's about to get his ass beat."
"Hermione, you wouldn't happen to have any popcorn would you?"
Hermione laughed, shaking her head, she looked up at Draco, who looked back down at her. He wanted to just say that he loves her, he just couldn't bring himself to do it. He really does love her, truly. Hermione had told herself that it wasn't love, but looking at him right now and the way he's looking at her, she's not entirely convinced that it isn't love.
"Okay. I'm, fucking hell this shouldn't be that hard. Damn it."
"Just say it."
Mattheo finally mumbles out a 'sorry', but it wasn't audible over the music.
"What was that? Couldn't hear you."
Mattheo growled, rubbing his hands down his face. Looking to see Maddie talking to Harry, Ron, Fred, George, and Neville. He sighed, finally turning back to Draco, the smug look returning back to his face.
"Damn Mattheo just fucking say it."
"Jeez, alright I'm sorry for being a dick. Happy?"
"All good mate."
"Finally. Where the hell did everyone go?"
"Your guess is as good as mine."
Mattheo walked over to Maddie, wrapping his arms around her waist.
"You finally apologized to Draco I see."
"You think you're funny."
"Oh I think I'm adorable. I was just saying thank you to the boys here for all of their help the other night."
"Maddie, it wasn't an issue for us. We were glad we could do something to help all of you."
"Yeah, besides, Theo and Enzo know how to make fantastic pranks."
"Oh merlin, the last thing Hogwarts needs is Fred and George Weasley teaming up with Theo Nott and Enzo Berkshire for a prank."
As if on cue, Theo and Enzo arrived just in time to hear what MJ said.
"I think that that is a wonderful idea. Don't you Theo?"
"Definitely. So, any idea who we wish to prank? How we're going to do it?"
"This is the point where I'm walking away. Maddie, would you like to have this dance?" A slow song had turned on and all the couples had remained on the space of the floor.
"I would love to." Taking Mattheo's hand, MJ turned back to the four pranksters, mouthing 'I want in', all four of them giving her a thumbs up, and smirking.
After a few hours of dancing, the group of Slytherins and single Hufflepuff went back to their room for some much needed sleep.

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