Chapter Twenty Three

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MJ and Pansy were sitting on one of the balconies in the room looking out over the Black Lake as the boys were throwing a Muggle football around.
"So what's the latest with you and Mattheo?"
Maddie blushed, she took a sip of her coffee and turned to her best friend.
"We did it, last night." Pansy's jaw dropped, she looked at Maddie wide eyed.
"Shut the fuck up! You did not!"
"We did."
"Damn. Not wasting any time are you?" Maddie laughed, Pansy joined in too.
"So, how was it? Was he the total sex god that you imagined?"
"It was amazing. Total perfection. He was an absolute sweetheart, we only did things that either of us were comfortable with. Not to mention, Mattheo knows the best after care."
"I'm really happy for you MJ. You deserve it."
"We all deserve a little happiness. How are you and Blaise?"
"We're good. That man can do wonders with his tongue. Merlin it's unforgettable." Maddi choked on her coffee and Pansy laughed at her.
After talking for another hour, the boys came back in all sweaty. Mattheo found MJ on the couch and plopped down beside her, laying his head on her lap.
"Ew Mattheo I do not want your sweaty head on me. Please go shower."
"Only if you come with me love."
"Ugh gross get a room you two. I didn't want to hear that."
"Mattheo, I do not want to hear about your sex life with Maddi. None of us do."
"Mate, honestly, gross."
"Grow up idiots. It was a joke, I was kidding. Merlin no need to bite my head off."
Mattheo got up from Maddie's lap, and headed straight for his room, slamming his door.
"The hell is his problem?"
Maddi looked as if she was confused for a second before she jumped up and raced toward Mattheo's room, opening the door and then closing it behind her.
"Someone want to explain what the hell is up with those two?"
"I know what's bothering him."
"Care to fill the rest of us in Tom, or leave us high and dry too."
"Remember our sister, Emily? Today is her birthday. Every year, Mattheo can start off calm, the littlest thing can set him off. Go easy on him today. Next time you see him, apologize, please. I won't ask nicely a second time."
Realization dawned on the group and now they all shared guilt ridden looks.
Emily Riddle, she was Mattheo's twin. She was the sun in Tom and Mattheo's dark lives. When Tom was 10, her and Mattheo were 9, she disappeared without a trace, their parents told them she was taken, they never made any effort into finding her. Only being 10 and 9, there wasn't much that Tom and Mattheo could do. That was when you could say, the Riddle brothers became so cold hearted.

A Badger With All The SnakesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora