Chapter Four

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Waking up the next morning, MJ showered, did her bathroom routine and then got dressed in her uniform. Taking a look at her schedule she smiled when she noticed that she had most of her classes with the Slytherins this morning and afternoon.
Walking to breakfast she ran into Marcus Flint and Adrian Pucey.
"Well, well, well. What do we have here? Where's your little friend group at? They're not here to save you now."
"Just let me go, Flint. If you don't they won't hesitate to beat the shit out of you and not feel sorry about doing it."
"See that's the thing, I don't think that they care that much."
Madalie turned around, instantly regretting that decision when Flint and Pucey grabbed her arms and held a muggle knife to her throat.
"Let her go. Now."
Flint chuckled and gripped the knife closer to her neck,
"I don't think that I will. You see Riddle, I have all the power now. I'm going to make you a deal. All of you. Madalie-Jane here is going to be mine and Puceys little pet for as long as we want her, and during that time, I don't want to see not a single one of you, anywhere near her, I don't want you talking to her, looking at her, or even speaking of her. If I catch any of you, I'll kill her, and dispose of her body in the Black Lake, making it look like a suicide. Then, you won't ever get her back. Do I make myself clear?"
Marcus and Adrian let her go, MJ fell to her feet, her friends rushing to her, Mattheo getting to her first.
"Maddi, Maddi, MJ, c'mon, look at me, it's okay, you're okay. I got you. We're here. We're here love. We got you. You're okay."
That was when Maddi started crying, clinging to Mattheo, she reached for Pansy's hand and held on tight.
Theo and Enzo put their hands on both of her shoulders and dropped to their knees, breathing shakily. Blaise was supporting Pansy and holding Maddi's other hand trying to keep his composure, though a few tears fell. Tom was talking to Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape, Sprout and Flitwick about what had happened, considering they were the head of houses, his breathing had become a little ragged, though he tried his best to explain to the professors. Draco was trying his best not to walk over and beat the living hell out of Marcus and Adrian, then again, they all were, but right now, MJ needed them, and that was where they needed to be. On the outside, it didn't really look like a big deal, to others it might have seemed that they were being overly dramatic. To them, it was most likely the most terrifying moment in all of their lives. MJ was literally everything to the Slytherins, without her, they would be nothing.
Tom had finished talking to the professors and they all walked towards the single Hufflepuff and group of Slytherins on the ground.
"Ms. Crossett, are you alright? They didn't severely injure you?"
Although Professor Sprout's voice was kind and gentle, Maddi didn't trust her voice at the moment, she shook her head and clinged to Mattheo tighter, Pansy moved to hug her, she let her, Mattheo still keeping a very protective arm around her.
"Let's get her to Madame Pomfrey, she can do a further exam. Classes for all of you are dismissed for the time being and all your professors will be notified. We will send paperwork and instruction pamphlets, along with any notes."
They were going to protest, especially MJ, but Dumbledore held up a hand, and said that that was that and there was no need in arguing over it.
The walk to the Hospital Wing was long, students were staring, whispering, sending sympathetic looks to all of the Slytherins they normally side eyed. News traveled fast at Hogwarts. If you weren't gossiping, you were the gossip.
MJ had a good reputation around Hogwarts. She was known for helping people, no matter what house you were in. Everyone knew her, though she hung out with the same seven people everyday, she had other friends outside of her friend group, but no one compared to her Slytherins in her eyes.

§ Author's Note §

Ummmm . . . sooo how is everybody doing??

Before you all decide kill me,
I'm out.

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