Chapter Forty Four

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~ Seven Months Later ~

MJ, Mattheo, her parents and their friends were working on wedding details. Little Marilyn was sitting in Mattheo's lap, chewing on her teething toy. Little Micah was sitting on Maddie's lap also chewing on his teething toy, once in a while blabbering and making baby noises.
"Before we think of decorations I'd like to pick out a venue first, that way we know what we're working with."
"Good place to start. What place were you thinking? Did you two have anywhere in mind?"
"We were thinking somewhere that means something to the both of us. A place that we could take the kids, make it ours." 
"Where would that be?"
"Do you guys remember the house in the country that mum and dad took us to several times during the summer?"
"The one where we hid in the attic and played exploding snaps till your dad found us? Good times."
"The same house that we tried to leave Theo and Enzo in the boat in the middle of the pond without paddles to get back to shore? That was a good time."
"For you maybe, I nearly shit myself when that wolf howled."
"Oh yeah that was us too."
"You assholes!"
"Hey! Stop shouting, you scare my kids you'll regret it."
"Pfft to you too." Draco and Little Micah continued their spitting at each other game. Marilyn looked at Mattheo, he gave her a kiss on her forehead and she giggled.
"Awww, that was the first time she giggled. Do it again." Mattheo kissed her on the forehead again and she giggled even more. Everyone let out an 'awwww'. Little Micah, not liking all the attention on his sister, said his first word.
"Mama!" Maddie smiled at her son, she lifted him in her lap and he continued to say 'mama'. Marilyn quite literally screamed 'mama' over and over again.
"Looks like we know who the favorite is Mattheo."
"Shut up."
"As adorable this is, wedding plans."
"We could just elope." After receiving the looks Mattheo got from everyone he looked down at his daughter, even she had an offended look on her face.
"Or not. I mean I'm just saying, we're going through all this trouble for what? I know you want a wedding, I would just like to finally call you my wife."
"Mattheo has a point mom, a wedding would be great, but what if it was just us? Everyone here, their parents, and our friends, I'm sure our professors would like to come. I feel like a small ceremony, us saying our vows and a party after would be better for us."
"If that's what the both of you want to do, we can do that. Are you wanting to wear a wedding dress?"
"It doesn't have to be a fancy dress, plain and simple."
"If you boys think you're getting out of wearing tuxedos think again."
The boys groaned, Micah copying his dad, uncle and godfathers, let out a sigh and laid his back on his mother.
"What did I tell you? They've already got him acting like them."
"Is that such a bad thing?"
Mattheo and Maddie said 'yes' in sync. Little Marilyn yawned, her brother doing the same.
"We should get them to bed, give us about fifteen minutes and we'll be back down."
"Take all the time you two need. We're not going anywhere."

"There you go sweetheart. Mommy loves you. Sweet dreams."
"Night buddy, I love you Micah."
"Dada." Mattheo smiled, he leaned down and gave Micah a kiss on the forehead, he made sure he was completely asleep before he walked out the room quietly.

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