Chapter Nine

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Next morning, the friends woke up to Peeves floating around and shouting nonsense.
It wasn't until The Bloody Baron, accompanied by the Fat Friar, told him to go away. 
"Apologies for waking all of you, the heads of houses are here to bring classwork and Ms. Crossett your parents have arrived."
"Mum's letter said that they would not be here until this afternoon."
"Should we just pretend that we're not here?"
"Madalie-Jane Everett Rose Samantha Crossett! Open this door now young lady or I can ask Pansy what you Mattheo have been up to."
"Okay, okay, opening the door. Hey mom, dad, professors. Top of the morning to you. Long time no see parents. Wow, tough crowd."
Maddi cringed, Mattheo winked at her and she felt her knees go weak.
"I've missed you sweetheart. Are you okay? Did those idiots hurt you? Did any of you threaten them?"
"Well we wanted to, but we didn't get the chance to."
"Well, thank you. All of you, for being there for her when we couldn't."
"Really, it was all Mattheo. We were just moral support."
"Is that so? Mr. Riddle?"
"I'm not going to lie, when MJ came home saying her best friends were Slytherins after her first year, and that you and your brother were among them, I wanted to tell her that you two were trouble, I didn't, now I see I made the right choice and telling her to always see the light in people, rather than the darkness. Please, from now on, gentleman, call me Micah."
"Thank you sir. For giving us a chance, and everything else that you have done for Tom and I. We can't thank you and Mrs. Crossett enough."
"Please, call me Maralyn."
"Mr. and Mrs. Crossett, please enjoy your stay. If you need anything, do not hesitate to let us know."
"Thank you professor. I apologize for the Howler."
"Well, it was a perfectly rational reaction. Why dwell on the past, when you can look forward to the future?"
The professors left the homework, and went back to their daily activities.
"So, do you want to talk about it? We don't have to if you don't want to. We can catch up, you can tell me all the details about how you and Mr. Riddle came to be." Madalie laughed awkwardly and moved to stand beside Mattheo, who wrapped his arm around her waist.
"I have to say this is a very nice room, spacious, tidy, keep it that way. Theo and Enzo, I know how you  two are."
"We are very tidy people."
"Ha. Yeah right. I have shared a dorm with you two for six years, you are anything but clean. Clothes all over the floor, beds never made. I swear to Merlin I saw something move in Lorenzo's sock one time. I thought it was Peeves messing with us, but no. It was Ronald Weasley's rat that had found freaking food in your sock! How do you get food in your socks, Berkshire?"
"Um, I-I actually have no idea. You sure it wasn't Theo's socks?"
"Whose ever sock it was. It was disgusting."
"Is this a normal thing?" Madalie's father had asked Blaise who had taken a seat on the couch.
"Them arguing? Everyday. You get used to it. Or if you're like Tom, you just whack 'em on the head and tell them to shut it. They'll stop until they find something else to argue over."
Micah let out a laugh and his wife nudged him to look over at MJ and Mattheo, who were standing outside on the balcony, MJ's head on his shoulder, Mattheos arms wrapped around her.
"Those two are made for each other."
"I agree with Pansy. Madalie has been a blessing to our lives. Mattheo has said that MJ is our light in the darkness that surrounds all of our lives. Not just Mattheo and I, all of us. The both of you have truly raised an incredible young woman, I have personally grown to love her as a sister."
"Who knew Tommy boy was capable of saying such kind words."
"You two are going to wind up dead one of these days if you don't stop pestering the Riddle's. Honestly it's like talking to a toddler. Nothing gets through to either one of you. MJ had to threaten to stab you with a fork last night because you called her a Hangry Hufflepuff. Matteo chased you down the train because you made a jab about him and Maddi. Tom has threatened to brutally murder the both of you I don't how many times. You don't give a shit as to what Blasie and I say. Pansy just tells you to keep up with whatever the hell you're doing, as long as it doesn't involve her. MJ just laughs at you dumbasses." Draco took a breath, and as if on cue, Theo and Enzo looked at each other and burst into laughter.
"I'm done. I can't do this anymore. If anyone needs me, I'll be in my room pretending as if I don't exist."
"Is he always this dramatic?"
"I am not dramatic! And for you to suggest otherwise- alright, maybe I am being a bit dramatic." Draco rubbed his neck sheepishly, Theo and Enzo were still laughing and by now they were hunched over on the chair, wheezing, tears streaming down their face, plus they kept hitting each other through their laughter and slapping the table.
"Berkshire, Nott, you two get a grip. We all need to have a real discussion."
Maddi tensed, Mattheo shuffled her towards the chair in front of the couch, while he sat in front of her on the floor, where she wrapped her arms around him, running her fingers through his hair. These actions caused everyone to let out a chorus of "awwww."
MJ blushed and Mattheo put his head back and smiled at her.

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