Chapter Eighteen

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"Serves them right for talking shit. Hope Black gives them detention."
"That reminds me, I don't remember Abbott or Smith apologizing for what they did. Do any of you?"
"Now that you mention that. No, no I don't."
"You think Fudge was serious when he said that we would be in charge for their detentions?"
"He had better been."
"How much of a detention would it be if we made them clean up mine and Theo's rooms without using magic?"
"That is the single handedly greatest idea that you have ever come up with Enzo."
"That is definitely going to be their detention."
"I can't wait to see the looks on their faces. This is going to be great."
"That is if Black gives them detention."
"Crap. Right. He seems to be on our side, he might."
"You all get to Herbology. I've got to get to Ancient Runes."
"See you Tom."

"I am starving. Its weird being ahead in the other classes. We've practically done all the work and we're caught up until after Christmas."
"I know right. It is weird. Like we know everything they are teaching, this might actually be the year that we could surprise the professors by being asked questions and answering than when we would normally just make a smartass comment about."
Theo and Enzo looked at each other.
"Nahh." Both of them laughed and Blaise, Pansy, Draco and Tom looked at each other, shook their heads, looked behind them to see that MJ and Mattheo were talking to Hermione and Ginny.
"Oh, before I forget, Gryffindor is having a party and as a house, we've decided that it would be fun if you all joined us. Of course you don't have to if you don't want to."
"Actually a party sounds fun. We'll be there." 
The two Gryffindors nodded with a smile on their faces, whilst the couple walked toward the Slytherin table.
"What was that about?"
"Granger and Weasley invited us to a party Gryffindor is having Saturday night. Celebrate the upcoming Quidditch season. And to congratulate Potter on making Captain."
"Wait, they invited us? Slytherins? Whatever for?"
"Hermione said it was a house decision. She also said that there would be some Ravenclaws and Hufflepufs there too."
"Right, because we'll stick out like a sore thumb."
"It could be fun. C'mon guys, everything is finally going back to the way it was. Let's go to the party, have a good time, and if we really can't stand being there for more than a hour, we can go back to the room and just sit around."
The boys looked at one another.
"Should we tell them what we are planning on doing to our room?"
"Why would we? More fun this way anyway."
Pansy and MJ were still confused as to what was happening.
"What do you think they're talking about?"
"Who knows. Probably nothing."
"Or something that could get them into a lot of trouble. Has Mattheo said anything to you about what that huddle thing was all about this morning?"
"No. Then again it's Mattheo. If he doesn't want anyone to know anything, he won't tell anyone."
"True. Wait, he tells you everything."
"Not everything."
"What do you mean? You two are as thick as thieves, really only you and Tom know what's going on with him."
"I just feel like they're both hiding something, you know. Tom has been more distant lately and Mattheo-"
"What about me?"
"Um, nothing. We should get to class."
"What was that about?" Mattheo looked where Maddi and Pansy had taken off.
"I don't know."
Draco rolled his eyes.
"Got something to say Malfoy?"
"You two okay? After last night, the both of you seemed like the whole world was going to end. What's going on? Don't lie."
Tom looked at Mattheo, both nodded.
"Not here. Too many ears."
Draco, Blaise, Enzo and Theo, followed Mattheo and Tom to an empty corridor.
"Don't panic, don't freak out, and try not to go ballistic."
"Get on with it mate."
"Our parents are back."
Theo and Enzo froze, Blaise's jaw dropped, and Draco huffed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
"Do the girls know?"
"No. Not yet. Maddi will figure it out soon if I don't tell her. Pansy'll be pissed."
"Both of them will be pissed. We've got to tell them. They're involved in this as much as we are."
Tom and Mattheo nodded. Draco had been wanting to tell them about him and Hermione for a while.
"Something wrong Draco?"
Without thinking Draco told them.
"Hermione and I are together."
"Like, as a couple?"
"Since when?"
"The summer. She was in London, I was there with my mum. We ran into each other, started owling each other back and forth. Met up before school started, I asked her to be my girlfriend, surprisingly she said yes. Since then, we've been keeping it a secret. Even snuck her in my room once. Don't worry nothing happened, we just slept."
Tom, Mattheo, Blaise, Theo and Enzo, had jaws dropped, their eyes wide. Adding to the shock, Blaise spoke up.
"Pansy and I kissed last night."
Now it was Draco's, Tom's, Mattheo's, Theo and Enzo's turn to look at Blaise, jaws still dropped, their eyes even wider, if that was possible.
"Okay. Let's find the girls, Hermione included, and tell them. Hermione is a part of this, whether you like it or not Draco."
The boys nodded, walking to their room, only to find just the girls they were looking for, along with Ginny and Luna.
"We need to talk."

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