Chapter Twenty Eight

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Mentions of R@9€

Once Maddie got to the Astronomy Tower, a hand wrapped over her mouth. She tried to scream, but the cloth over mouth had prevented it from being heard. The hand dragged her toward the corner where she was met with Marcus Flint, and Adrian Pucey.
"Surprise. Heard about your boyfriend. Pity. I would say that I was sorry, but I hated the guy." Marcus had started to run his hand down her waist. She struggled against him until Pucey binded her hands with a rope. She squirmed, kicked, tried everything to get out of their grip, it was useless. Hannah Abbott had come from the front. She chuckled darkly.
"Looks like your friends aren't around now. You know what that means, we're going to have some fun Crossett. You're going to listen to us, and we're going to whatever it is that we want."
"You won't get away with this."
"Won't we? I don't see anyone around? Do either of you.?" Flint and Pucey both shook their heads and carried on with their 'fun'.

"Alright where the hell is she? She should be back by now. It's been three hours."
"C'mon, let's go find her."
They searched everywhere, the courtyard, Great Hall, empty classrooms, bathrooms, everywhere.
"What's the one place we haven't checked yet?"
"The Astronomy Tower." Pansy bolted leaving the boys hot on her heels.
"How. . . the hell. . . is. . . she. . . so . . . fast?" Enzo managed to heave between breaths, Theo sped up, Draco was trying with everything bone in his body to not think of the worst, though that seemed to be failing. Blaise was trying his damndest to get in line with Pansy, not wanting to her to witness the very thing they were all hoping to avoid. Tom raced ahead, he finally caught up with Pansy. They had to slow down to turn the corner to the Astronomy Tower, all skidding across the floor, once regaining their balance, all bolted up the stairs once again.
Frantically looking around for any sign of Maddie. Draco looked in a corner, spotting the familiar blonde hair with brown streaks in it, his breathing stopped, he took a tentative step forward, breaking out into a run, he landed by MJ's side, seeing her face cut, her arms, legs, whole body had cuts and bruises on it. Her shirt had been ripped and torn, indicating the very thing they were all thinking but terrified to know if it's true.
"Theo, Enzo, run and get help. Anyone. It doesn't matter. Tom, go and get Hermione, Potter, and Weasley." Theo, Enzo, and Tom left the Astronomy Tower to go do what Draco had asked of them.
"Who would do this?"
"I got a pretty good idea on who."
"Flint and Pucey. I don't give a damn what the Minister says. If he doesn't put them in Azkaban for this, we're killing them." The only thing that Draco could see was red. Seeing their best friend on the ground, bloody and bruised, would be a sight that would take awhile to get out of their nightmares. Ten minutes later Theo, Enzo, and Tom had shown up with Professors Dumbledore, McGonagall, Snape, Sprout, Flitwick, along with Madam Pomfrey. Few seconds later Hermione, Harry, Ron, his siblings, Luna, and Neville came up right behind them.
"Oh dear. Who did this?"
"I'm certain it was Flint and Pucey. They were the only ones that hated Maddie. It makes sense they would want revenge on her for them being punished."
"A punishment that hasn't went through, I'm afraid."
"What do you mean it hasn't through? It's been a month since the first incident happened. They shouldn't even be here."
"The witches and wizards of the Wizengamont voted against it."
"This is bullshit. How the hell did they vote against it? They deserved it."
"I won't argue your point Mr. Malfoy, but at the moment, let's get Ms. Crossett to the Hospital Wing." Although Draco was fuming, they all were, he carefully picked MJ up and into his arms.

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