Chapter 32: Getting Reconnected

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~~Max's POV~~

It's been a couple of months since I had to fill in for Johnny Christ in Vegas. It turns out he didn't break his hand, but two of his fingers. He could still play, but they asked if I could take over for half the set whenever we had dates in the same cities. The Modern Vintage Tour is halfway over and we're finally on the East Coast. Right now we're in Massachusetts with a day off, but I've had a sore throat for the past few days so I'm stuck on the bus with Xavier while the others are all out doing their own thing.

"Dude, let's play Arkham Knight," Xavier said, getting up and turning on the Xbox.

"Nah, let's play Call Of Duty," I smirked and took a drink of my Naked juice, the coldness soothing my throat.

"Why? So you can kick my ass again?" Xavier asked, switching the games.

"Yup," I smiled. He handed me a controller and I pulled the blanket over my shoulders more.

"You still sick?" he asked, sitting on the couch across from me.

"I'm not sick, I just have a sore throat and I'm cold. I haven't had a fever," I said as I picked my guns for the game.

"Well have you eaten today?" he asked, picking his guns.

"Um....Yeah." I haven't really been eating much lately. It hurts to swallow so I've been living off of Naked juice, ice, and crackers.

"Besides crackers," he said, giving me a look.

"No...." I said.

"Alright. I'm making you something to eat," he said, stopping the game and going into the kitchen.

"Really? Why can't we just play?" I whined.

"Because you need to eat something woman!" he said sternly.

"Ugh fine!" I just laid down on the couch. A few minutes later he came back with a salad that had some of the left over chicken DJ made last night in it with shredded cheese and dressing.

"Eat," he said, shoving the bowl at me.

"Fine," I sat up and began eating. I ate about half of it before I got tired of the pain in my throat. I handed him the bowl and took a drink of my juice.

"Alright, we'll save the rest for later," he got up and went into the kitchen, then came back and we resumed our game of Call Of Duty.

"Yay!" I yelled and threw my hands up. "I win! Again!"

"Yeah whatever," Xavier grumbled.

"Someone's a sore loser," I smirked. My phone started going crazy in my pocket so I pulled it out, and I had a spam of messages on Facebook. I mean, that's been happening a lot since I became BVB's merch girl for Warped but, this person really caught my eye. I opened the messages and smiled, but then a pang sadness went through me.

Ash Costello: Max!!

Why haven't you been answering your phone?

Did you block my number?

I thought we were friends, what happened?

We miss you! 

Message me back damn it!

Max Olson-Sixx: Sorry Ash! I lost my phone and had to get a new number, and lost all of my contacts! I'm sorry if I worried you. I miss you guys too!

Ash Costello: Oh, ok. :)

Hey, I'm having a birthday party for Chris, and I've been kinda stalking you and your band. So I know you'll be in Dickson City in a couple of days. You and Jinxx are coming!

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