Chapter 9: Official First Day Of Warped

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~~Ricky's POV~~

I woke up the next morning in the same position I fell asleep in. Max's head on my shoulder and my head on hers. I looked around and everything was the same as it was last night. Both of our phones on the table,a Styrofoam container full of chicken bones on the edge of the table,and a HIM album on repeat,just not as loud as it was last night. I glanced into the bunk area to see a tattooed leg hanging out of a bunk. Chris. I slowly got up in order to not wake up Max,laying her down slowly,and checked the time on my phone. 6:45. I walked over to Chris's bunk and poked his foot. Nothing. I then went to the kitchen and grabbed a plastic bag. I filled it with ice from the freezer and sealed it. I walked back over to Chris and set the bag on top of his foot,jumping into my bunk,which is below his,as soon as the bag made contact with his skin.

"HOLY SHIT THAT'S MOTHER FUCKING COLD AS SHIT!" he yelled and fell out of his bunk,waking everyone up.

"Shut the hell up!" Ryan groaned.

"Go back to sleep you ass!" Balz yelled.

I was trying so hard to not laugh out loud,but I failed. Then all of a sudden my curtain was flung open and Chris was sitting on the floor next to my bottom bunk,looking pissed.

"You son of a bitch," he said.

I just laughed even harder because his eyebrows were smeared all over his face.

He just looked at me seriously and said,"I fell asleep with my eyebrows didn't I?"

"Y-Yeah," I said with tears in my eyes from laughing so hard.

He got up and went to the bathroom to fix his face. I rolled out of my bunk and went back into the back lounge to see Max sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

"Morning," I said.

"Morning. Can we go to Starbucks? I need coffee...." she replied.

"Yeah. But we should probably get dressed first," I said.

"Go get dressed then we'll go to my bus?"

"Sure." I waited for Chris to get out of the bathroom,which surprisingly didn't take long because he just touched up his eyebrows from last night.

I entered the bathroom and got changed into a plain black shirt,black skinny jeans,and all black VANS. I walked out of the bathroom to see Chris and Max in the back talking.

"We're going to Starbucks Chris." I said as I picked up my phone off the table.

"I'm coming with you." he said seriously.

Max laughed and said,"First we're going to my bus so I can get dressed."

She grabbed her phone and we walked off the bus and over to the BVB bus. When we got there she tried to open the door,but it was locked.

"Damn it," she said,"They need to wake up anyways." she smirked and started banging on the door. We heard a crash then some yelling. Then the door opened to reveal a very tired looking Jake.

"What the hell Max? We have you a key," Jake said.

"Yeah but I had to leave it here because I have no pockets," She said as she walked past him and onto the bus.

"Can't be like every other girl and stick it in your bra?" he said,letting me and Chris in.

"That's gross!" she called as she went into the bathroom with some clothes.

We just laughed and Jake closed the door and went back to his bunk.

We sat on the couch and waited for Max to come back out. After about 15 minutes she finally did. she walked out wearing a HIM shirt,black ripped skinny jeans,and all black VANS.

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