Chapter 39: Surprise!

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~~Max's POV~~

"When are you leaving?" Jessica asked me from the other end of the phone.

"Tomorrow morning at 5:30 so I should be there around noon," I replied as I threw a pair of pants into my suitcase, but they ended up landing on Sapphire who was sleeping on my pillow.

"Alright. Is it ok if Balz picks you up? Just call me when you land and I'll tell Ricky that I'm going to visit Ryan Ashley."

"Yeah sure. I miss the shithead anyways," I laughed a little as I grabbed the last of the clothes I needed and tossed them onto the bed.

"You're staying for the week right?"

"If you want."

"Of course! Ricky misses you and Dexter needs to spend time with his auntie and I'd like to hang out with my sister-in-law more," I could hear the smile in her voice.

"Awe I miss him too. How is the little snot?"

"Dexter? Oh he's doing great!"

"Not Dex, my brother," I laughed.

"Oh, he's fine too," she laughed.

"Good," I smiled. "Well I'll let you go I know it's getting late over there. Give Dexter kisses for me."

"I will. Good night Max," she said.

"Night Jess," I said and hung up. I finished packing my suitcase and flopped down on the bed. I've only been home for an hour and half and it was spent packing and talking to Jessica. I left this morning at 7 for the studio, then went to work at the shop at noon, Kat worked on my new sleeve on my left arm that's dedicated to dad at 5 and I got home 8. Now I'm waiting on CC to get here so he can help me give the animals baths.

"Hi Morticia," I said as the calico kitty laid down on my stomach. I heard a knock on the front door so I got up with her in my arms and carried her as I walked down the hall way and through the front room.

"Kitty!" he dropped his duffle bag and took her from my arms as soon as I got the front door open.

"Well hey to you too," I picked up his bag and shut the door after he walked in.

"Sorry," he chuckled and hugged me with one arm. After he pulled away my skin was all tingly where his arm was.

"I'll take this to the guest room now," I said and walked down the hallway. I went into the guest room and set it on the bed.

"Wanna just give her a bath first since I already have her?" he asked when I walked back into the living room.

"Yeah, then we'll do Achilles and then Sapphire," I replied as Achilles jumped up on me and stood on his hind legs as I pet him.

"Easiest for last?"

"I guess," I shrugged. "She's just asleep on my bed and I don't want to wake her up."

"Ok then," he chuckled.

"But yeah I'll go grab a towel and the kitty shampoo," I said and Achilles jumped down after I kissed the top of his head. I went into my bathroom and grabbed the organic lavender scented flea and tick pet shampoo, 3 towels, and the speaker then went into the guest bathroom where CC was with Morticia.

"Bathtub?" he asked.

"Well no duh," I set the things down and plugged my phone into the speaker. "What do you want to listen to?"

"Uh, No Doubt?" he said as he pulled Morticia's Batman collar with a fish shaped tag that Andy and Juliet got for her and set it on the counter.

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