Chapter 42: Walk In Winter And Family Dinner

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~~Max's POV~~

"Ricky," I said in a sing-song voice from the bottom of the stairs.

"Yeah?" he asked from Dexter's room.

"What are you doing?" I asked in the same tone.

"Changing a diaper?" he said, confused.

"Well when you're done get dressed and hand Dexter off to Jessica," I said and walked up.

"Why?" he asked.

"Don't question me woman!" I said as I walked into my room.

"Woman? What the hell?" he was confused. I just laughed and shut my door, then stripped out of my pajamas. I pulled on a pair of black skinny jeans, the VU Coat of Arms long sleeve, the black VU 6661 beanie, and a pair of black ugg boots that Kelly made me buy yesterday. Then I did black cat eye eyeliner along with Jeffree Star's "Unicorn Blood" lipstick. I left my hair alone and walked out, just n time to see Ricky walk out of his room in a black hoodie, a plain black beanie, black jeans, and a pair of Vans.

"You ready?" I asked, starting down the stairs.

"For what?" he asked, walking down with me.

"Go for a walk," I replied.

"Sure," he said. "Where?"

"No where specific. Just a walk to see where we end up," I shrugged.

"Cool," he smiled. We both said good bye to Jessica and Dexter, made sure we had our phones, then put on our sunglasses and walked out of the front door. We walked down the driveway and turned left down the side walk, Ricky forcing me to walk on the side closer to the houses.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he moved me to his left side instead of his right.

"Walking closer to the street," he replied.


"Because I'd rather myself get hit by a car if it came to that instead of you."



"I'll be fine."

"No you won't. I don't want you in the hospital again."

"Ugh," I groaned.

"Just let me be your big brother damn it," he said, looking at me. I just sighed and rolled my eyes.

"Whatever Rick," I pushed him a little as we continued walking down the street.

"Hey, I never really got to ask. How are you?" he asked.

"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.

"You know, after everything with Jinxx? I know you beat that girl's ass and you hit a girl at the bar the other day. I just want to know how you feel about everything now," he said.

"I'm fine actually. The only reason I beat her ass was because she threw a drink in my face and she pissed me off. As for the girl at the bar, I was with some of the guys from Aerosmith and she accused me of cheating and whoring around. As for the Jinxx situation, I could give two shits," I explained.

"I honestly can't imagine you whoring around," he chuckled.

"Good because I would never even think about doing it," I said. We walked for a while in a comfortable silence until we walked down a dead end.

"Let's go this way," Ricky said, leading me in another direction.

"Scranton is so small I love it," I smiled as I followed him.

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