Chapter 34: Orlando

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~~Max's POV~~

"Max hurry up!" CC yelled, banging on the bathroom door.

"I'll be out in a minute!" I yelled back. We have a couple of days off in Orlando,Florida and once again I'm sharing a hotel room with Jinxx and CC. I'm currently getting ready in the bathroom and CC is being quite impatient.

"What the hell are you even doing? We're going to SeaWorld damn it you're gonna get wet," he sighed, frustrated.

"Shut up Coma!" I yelled. I finished curling the last piece of my hair, put my aviators on, and flung the door open. I walked right over to CC and got in his face. He started backing away but ended up against the wall, so I took the opportunity to let him know how I felt. "You've had a stick shoved so far up your ass it's been tickling your throat for the past week, and frankly I'm fucking tired of it. Pull the damn thing out before I do, and if I have to I'm going to fucking beat your grouchy ass with it. You're putting me and everyone else in shit moods and it sucks major dick. I was getting close with M. Shadows but because of your shit attitude rubbing off on me and everyone else on this fucking tour, I snapped at him and I haven't talked to him since. So pull that damn stick out of your ass before I do, because it won't be pretty." I basically screamed in his face. I haven't been this pissed in a while. Even though I was wearing Converse, I still had a few inches on CC so he was looking up at me and he looked scared. Jinxx was on the other side of the room and he was just staring.

"I'll be down stairs," I said and walked out of the room after grabbing my wallet and phone. I went to the elevator and rode it down to the ground floor. I walked over to one of the chairs and sat down. I unlocked my phone and saw that I had a few text messages. I looked and they were from Kat, Raven, Brian, Frankie, and Matt.

Kat- People keep requesting you! Hurry up and finish the tour!

Me- Yay! But we're going into the studio after the tour so I don't know how much I'll be at work during the process.

Kat- That's ok. Just come to the shop when ever you want.

Me- Alright

Raven- What hotel are you guys at? We're in Orlando tomorrow.

Me- It's Comfort Suites Downtown

Raven- Alright. We'll be there tomorrow

Me- Cool

Syn - We're going to Universal Orlando tomorrow and you're coming with us

Me- Can Jinxx come?

Syn- Of course

Me- Alright sweet

Frankie bear- I miss you!

Me- I miss you too, love. I'll be home in a couple of weeks. Jinxx and I will come visit you guys, I promise.

Frankie bear- Yay! Give him a hug for me.

Me- Only if you give Leica a kiss for me ;)

Matt Shadows- Hey.

Me- Hey, sorry about the other day. CC has had something up his ass for the past week and it's been pissing all of us off. I'm sorry I took it out on you.

Matt Shadows- Hey, don't be. I get it. I did the same thing to Val last tour and I was on the couch when we got back. I just wanted to give you some space because I know how it feels.

Me- Alright, well thanks. See you tomorrow?

Matt Shadows- Of course.

Me- Sweet.

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