Chapter 11: HIM And An Unexpected Surprise

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~~Max's POV~~

After I woke up in Balz's bunk I ended up staying with Motionless In White for a few days before I felt emotionally stable again. But now I'm back with Jinxx and the guys and they've been really cool about not bringing up the topic on dad. Everyday one of the guys or Courtney call me to make sure I'm ok. But let's get off this sad topic shall we? Today is the day before the HIM concert that Ricky and I are going to. It's 7 in the morning and all the guys are awake.

"Max can you make breakfast?" CC asked.

"No that's why we have catering all day everyday CC," I replied as I was grabbing fresh clothes from my bag.

"But you make amazing food," he whined.

I put a hand on his shoulder and said,"CC,sweetheart,if you stop begging I might make you all dinner later. And here's a hint....I might have to borrow Chris and Angelo's grill."

"Ok I'll stop asking!" he said quickly and ran off.

I just chuckled to myself and walked into the bathroom. I quickly changed into my black HIM shirt with the heartagram on it,black skinny jeans that I cut my own holes and rips into,and black combat boots. I then did my makeup. It wasn't going to be that hot today so I decided on a grey smokey eye. I didn't bother putting on concealer because my black eye is long gone. As I was putting on mascara Jinxx walked in.

"Hey babe," he said as he put the lid down on the toilet and sat there, "Why do you wear makeup? You look beautiful without it."

"Why do you wear makeup,love?" I asked as I started on my eye-shadow. Jeffree Star is on this tour so I'll just ask him to look at the job I've done before the gates open.

"Because it's part of our appearance," he replied.

"Well there you go.That's why I wear makeup," I said as I was finishing up on my eyes.

"Well I don't think you need it," he said.

"Which one?" I asked,holding up a dark red and a purple lipstick.

"Um....dark red," he replied.

"Ok....I'll have to go see the queen of eyebrows before the gates open so I can get his opinion on this," I said as I put the lipstick on.

"Well I have to take CC to catering because he doesn't want to go alone. So are you cool with going alone?" he asked,kind of sounding like he didn't want to go with CC.

"Yeah I'll be fine babe," I said as I cleaned up my lip-line a little.

"Ok then. Bye babe," he said as he kissed my cheek and walked out.

I did some final touches on my makeup and my straightened hair before walking out of the bathroom. Andy,Jake and Ashley we at Asking's bus and Jinxx and CC went to catering. I grabbed my phone and my key and walked off the bus. I locked the bus door and started walking around the bus area to try and find Jeffree Star's bus. After walking for about 5 minutes someone yelled my name.

"Max!" they had a British accent but that could've been a lot of people on this tour. But I turned around to see Oliver Sykes running towards me.

"Hey Oliver," I said as he hugged me.

"What are your plans for today?" he asked,his brown eyes full of hope.

"Well right now I'm on my way to go find Jeffree Star. But the rest of the day is just working at my merch tent and then going to see Falling In Reverse play on my break. Why?" I replied.

"Do you think you could re-ink my 'High-Five' tattoo on the palm of my hand for me later? It's pretty faded out." he asked,the hope never leaving his eyes.

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