Chapter 10: The Best Yet Worst

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~~Max's POV~~

"Well....Does this answer your question?" Jinxx said.

Then before I even knew what was happening,his lips were on mine and he was snaking his arms around my waist. I was shocked at first,but then I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed back,our lips moving in perfect sync. I felt butterflies in my stomach and it felt like electricity was going through my body. After a minute we both pulled away,our arms still wrapped around each other.

"I-I'll take that as a yes," I stuttered,feeling my face get hot.

Jinxx laughed a little and said,"You're cute when you blush."

That just made me blush even more,causing him to laugh again.

"So....How did the fans treat you today?" he asked as we began to walk to the bus again.

"They were all really nice....But because of you they all now my name," I looked at him and he laughed.

"Sorry about that. I just couldn't help myself," he said as he intertwined his fingers in mine.

I looked at the ground and smiled. Are we really holding hands? Did he really just kiss me? I thought.

"Max...." he said as we got closer to the bus.

"Yeah?" I asked,looking him in the eyes.

He pulled me close and barely above a whisper,said "Max....I know we haven't known each other for very long,but will you be my girlfriend?"

"Of course I will Jinxx," I replied and he pulled me closer to him,if that was even possible,and kissed me again,the butterflies and electricity returning. I felt him smile into the kiss and he pulled away after a minute. There was a big goofy grin plastered on his face.

"What?" I asked,smiling.

"I've been wanting to do that since the moment we found you," he said.

"Aww," I said as we continued walking to the bus,hand in hand.

"Hey! He did it!" CC yelled as we walked on the bus.

"Yay!" Andy,Ashley,and Jake cheered.

"Oh shut up. What about when Andy and Juliet finally got together?" Jinxx said, "I mean....They did used to hate each other."

"That's true," Jake said.

"Don't turn this around on me!" Andy yelled and we all laughed.

All of a sudden I felt my phone vibrate multiple times in my pocket. "Well I'd love to hang out with you guys more but I have to talk to someone," I said as I began to walk to the back lounge and pulled my phone out of my pocket.

I shut the door behind me and sat on the couch. It was a FaceTime request from Nikki. I instantly clicked "answer" and got comfortable,knowing this was going to be a while,as it said "connecting".

"Hey baby girl," Nikki said,his voice raspy.

"H-Hey Nikki," I said,taking in the sight of him being hooked to a bunch of machines and him being pale instead of his usual tanned skin.

"How was the first official day today?" he asked,being his usual self when it comes to me. He'd always question about what happened during the times we weren't in contact with each other.

"It was good. I'm their merch girl for this tour. Yesterday I got to meet some of the other bands too. I already became really good friends with some people in the other bands." I explained.

"Well that's good. I'm happy for you sweetheart. This is good for you."

"I know. The past couple days are the most social I've ever been in my whole life. But how are you feeling Nikki?" I asked,worrying about him.

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