Chapter 5: The Road To Warped

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~~Jake's POV~~

The whole first hour of the road time was spent with Max telling us how her parents started being beating her when she was only 8. Then when she ran away for the first time when she was 15,and ran into Nikki Sixx,Tommy Lee, and DJ Ashba at The Sunset Strip. She explained how Nikki is like a father to her and treats her like his own flesh and blood. She has so many stories of when she would hang out at his and the others' houses. She told us how Tommy Lee taught her drums,Nikki Sixx taught her bass,DJ Ashba and Mick Mars taught her guitar,and how Vince Neil and James Michael were her vocal coaches. If she wanted to,she could replace any of us in a damn heartbeat!

"So Max," Ashley started, "Lets hear some of your talent on that bass!"

"Ok then," she replied, "Song requests?" She pulled her bass out of the case on the floor. It was beautiful! It was flat-black with a blood-red trim around the edges. Same line as Ash's 'PORN' bass I believe.

"What about Smokin' In The Boy's Room?" I asked. "Since you did grow up around them."

"The bass in that song is kinda hard bro. I still haven't perfected it," Ashley said.

"That's ok Ash. I'll break it down for you sometime," Max said,smirking as she plugged the bass into the amp.

"Oh BURN!!" CC yelled,laughing.

Max started to play the song and it sounded like Nikki was playing it she played so perfectly! I swear I saw Ashley's jaw hit the floor! When she finished the whole song,we couldn't help but chant,whistle and cheer for her.

"Thanks guys," she said, "Any other songs?"

"Coffin," Andy said. "And I'll sing as you play. Its easy to play while no one is singing."

"Alright then. Whatever you say Andy...." she said,"I can even play Jinxx's piano in the beginning."

"I can't even do that!" Ashley whined.

"I'd like to hear you play piano on bass," Jinxx said.

Max went up to the first and second frets,and played the piano notes perfectly. Now it was time for Jinxx's jaw to hit the floor. She started the bass parts.

"Take your crosses,I live without them!" Andy and Max both sang.

Her voice was beautiful! She and Andy hit the same notes at the same time! This girl is impressive!

~~CC's POV~~

Her and Andy sang Coffin together,and it sounded amazing! She even did things on bass that Ash can't! Her voice was beautiful! She is a higher alto. I think we need to feature her on our next album,or at least let her perform with us!

Andy let Max sing the final chorus alone.

"I don't owe you anything,

You'll only die a dream forgotten!

I've got my pride so hear me sing,

I won't let you steal my coffin!"

She sang it so perfectly,it was hard NOT to clap and chant for her!

"That sounded amazing!" Jake yelled.

"Seriously! How'd you transfer the piano notes to bass?" Jinxx asked.

"By listening carefully,studying the keys you used,and testing the different frets." Max explained.

"Your voice is beautiful Max." I said.

The Wild OneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora