Chapter 33

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Season 1 Episode 33

Mahira POV

Weeks later

"I miss this floor." Xia pouted as she handed me a stringed heart adorned with tape.

"Believe me, there is nothing to miss on this floor." I whispered, attempting not to fall off the wobbly chair, which squeaks and cries under the strain of my standing weight. I slammed the strung heart to the ceiling.

"You guys are throwing a floor party, best floor manager ever."

"What would you say about me then?" I, too, reclaimed my floor manager position; I wasn't going to earn my whole one hundred thousand, but I wasn't receiving twenty thousand either.

"You are the second best."

"I got you back on the job." I remarked this while grabbing another ornament from her. I dislike decorating.

The two girls allocated to me were over on the opposite side of the floor. Sage suggested that the entire floor should be swimming in love. Her and I were closer to falling in love than I thought. But I still can't bear her, strutting about here and demanding everything.

"The job you let get ripped away from me. I woke up on the worst floor."

"Which Department." I remarked this as I hopped out of the chair and pushed it just inches from its original position. I stand on it again.

"IT. The worst department in history. A bunch of geeks that believe they know it all. And if you think Angelo is dictatorial, check out Mr. Bis or whatever his name is. He has a deep hatred for women. Always talking down." She complained. I must admit that Mr. Bis is a piece of garbage. However, he excelled in his profession. Always strict. Always stay organized, and he believes you should too.

"Don't worry, you'll grow with him." I said. I gradually learnt how to work with Sage. She's not that horrible, and it's fantastic that I didn't have to wait months to realize this.

"Ms. Angelo, don't tell me what you enjoy."

"It is actually Mrs. Angelo." I said. "It is her wife's name."

"She has a wife."

"Yep. Dead." I muttered. "But tell no anyone."

"Jeez! Do you mean I can't keep my mouth shut?"

"I'm saying she trusted me enough to tell me what occurred, and I trust you not to tell anybody else." I knew I wasn't Xia's best friend, and given that we lived in Los Angeles, where the most of us were fake, I was confident Xia's best friend had a best buddy.

"Has she moved on from this?"

"She stated she was willing to. When the appropriate person shows up. I sprang out of the chair and motioned for her to grab the box of decorations. I don't see the sense in adorning the office for one dumb day.

"Do you think you are the right person." She inquired, as my attention shifted to the blank, cream walls. I had no idea how to make things nice, and the heart dangling from the ceiling looks terrible, but they'll have to do. How am I going to adorn a wall? The worst part was that I had to adorn a wall where photographs were to be shot. I exhaled.

"I don't think I am the right person."

"Is it because of Ro—?"

"Nope." I had to accept that Rory and I was no more. I even concealed the photo frame, but that did not mean I could let go of our memories. I believe that memories, whether positive or negative, will endure.

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