I told you i'd be there🥰

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Tuesday February 28 th 2024

**Maya thought that they were on spring break on February 27 th but today is everyone's last day of school before spring break **

7h23 am

Alessandro : moms , today is my spelling bee competition, as I have been selected to represent my class .. because I'm the one who had a perfect score of a hundred percent in our last selling bee , and when that happens we get to be competing with other four graders from other classes... and I was wondering if you could come to my school and sit in the audience?
Carina : wow that's really cool to have been selected by your teacher bambino ! I'm really really proud of you . And I will be honoured to be in the audience... what time should we be there for ?
Alessandro : really? Sweet, okay it starts at 13h and it goes on until 15 h 30 !
Carina : excellent, Nico and I will be there,
Maya : I would love to be there.. I will do my best to make it in time...
Alessandro: sweet, and if you want to you can just work early this morning and then you'll be able to be there mommy !

** Alessandro didn't have any high hopes that his momma would actually be there in the audience but he still invited her.. who knows maybe she will surprise him and be there .. even though he apologized for being angry at her... and she was obviously upset about not attending his awards ceremony but he knows that she doesn't control when her patients go into labour. She's the best of the best obgyn .. **

Londyn : bye bye everyone..
Violet: the bus is here, bye everyone have a lovely day !
We love you all so much!
Carina and Maya: alright have a good day at school... see you soon!

Maya : babe , I'm going to work a little bit right now so if you need me I'll be in my office!

Carina: alright , waaaaait you forgot something!
Maya : yea ? What did I forget?
Carina: to give me multiple kisses in a row...

** Carina approaches her wife and held her hand on her neck and her other hand was on her back and she brought it to the front of her stomach and they both felt Charlotte Kicking **

Maya : ahhh , where did my head go !

Carina and Maya: woah , that was a strong kick owwwww !
Carina: alright I won't hold you back for too long Alessandro really really wants you to be there too... probably wants you more then he wants me there...

** she said with sadness in her voice.. she had a few tears coming down her eyes **

Maya : alright, hey you know that's not true!

** Carina sat back down on the couch and cuddled with Nico .. she breastfed him and then they both laid down for a while, she put an alarm on for two hours so she wouldn't miss her son's spelling bee competition **

12h09 pm
Carina: babe , I'm finishing giving him some mashed potatoes and some broccoli go go squeeze for lunch. Will you be ready to go to the school with me?
Maya : yes I'm done working now, I'm changing my clothes and then I'll be downstairs in five minutes!
Carina: alright babe.

12h16 pm

** Maya and Carina are heading to Alessandro'a school with baby Niccolas ! Carina still feels upset about how her son .. would rather have Maya in the audience than have her in there ! **

Carina: he doesn't want me there babe!
Maya : why would he not want you there?
Carina: because I could tell it in his voice this morning he was hoping that you would be there... and it really sucks because I can't help it when my patients go into labour.. thank goodness I'm not going to work until Niccolas is doing better with his health...

** she gets emotional **

I don't know how much longer I can apologize to him for my job ...


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