Going To Miami ! 🌴

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Tuesday April 2nd 2024

**Everyone is really excited to go to Miami , Florida , to celebrate the girls eleventh birthday. Everybody is waiting for the Uber ride to come to their house.**

Violet and Scarlett: we are really going to Miami ?
Carina: yesss we are ! We told you that in your birthday card yesterday and we're all packed up and ready to go! Otherwise none of us would be ready at 4 h in the morning! We hope to make this birthday really special for you two girls!

Scarlett: well thank you!! We love you both so much, we are really excited to go ! We can't believe it! Ahhhhhhh !
Violet: yea ! Our birthday was really fantastic... Katy Perry and now Miami ! It can't get any better than this!!!

Maya : well we're glad you enjoyed Your birthday Katy Perry concert.. and we have so many things planned for the trip!!

Oh I think the Uber is here!
Carina: alright! Here we go ! Boys , let's go.
Giovanni and Salvatore: hrmmmm we tired! Momma ! Help us walk !
Carina: I'll take your stroller out at the airport. Come on, let's walk to the van outside the house and then you can go back to sleep mi amores!

Salvatore: it's too early! Momma, sun still sleeping... it's dark outside mommy !
Maya : yea it's dark out but we have to go on a plane to see the pretty palm trees and the beautiful beach! We're almost there!

** Carina locked the door of their mansion home, everyone is going except Skylar and Santiago , they couldn't get the time off from work but Lorenzo and Chloe were able to. She got everything niccolas and londyn might need to have, extra iv medication for Londyn's seizures and some oxygen for little nicco ! Just In case We never know. Londyn is sitting in her car seat next to Chloe and Violet! She loves her big sisters so much. And her big brothers too. **

3h47 am

Carina: Seattle Airport please!
Driver : alright. We're going to be there in about thirty minutes.
Maya : owwwwww ! It's happening again babe.
Carina: okay , breathe in and out babe!
Driver: is she in labour?
Carina: She's not, she's seventeen weeks pregnant and it is totally normal for pregnant women to experience a few Braxton hicks every once in a while... Breathe Maya!

**Maya listened to her wife and she breathed several times and she was fine afterwards. **

**Fourty five minutes later they have been dropped off at the airport successfully, and they went through everything that was necessary in an airport, security, customs etc! Now they're waiting at the right gate and Carina is now breastfeeding Niccolas under her nursing cover sheet, the kids surprisingly have so much energy that they are running around the seats in the airport. The rest of the passengers don't mind. Maya has a sudden migraine and she needs to lay down.. so she lays down on three empty seats, while Carina plays with her hair and reassured her that she would be fine. Eventually Maya feels better , after taking ibuprofen. **

5h38 am everyone is on the plane now and it's getting ready for takeoff!

Maya : babe I really really hope I won't be in pain for the whole trip, I don't want to be the reason why our girls don't have their perfect birthday trip... look how excited they all are!
Carina: babe, it's not your fault if you're in pain and tired... they should be understanding... I will give you a massage when we get to the hotel room!
Maya : perfect, thank you and can you please let the girls know that I'm in severe pelvic pain and I will be holding my pain inside so they can get their birthday.... Trip they wanted!

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