Happy to be home!

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Monday March 25 th 2024

9h20 am

**Carina is sitting down with Niccolas ready for another feed.. Carina asked Londyn if she wanted to go to school or stay home today and she chose to stay home. She is quietly playing with her toys in the playroom.. Maya is in the laundry room and she started another run of laundry.. she's coming back down to be with her wife and son . **

Carina : babe, can you believe that eleven years ago I was in labour with our precious little flowers and I didn't know what day I would have them? How are they eleven years old already?

Maya : ahhh yes I remember that, oh you were ohhh so uncomfortable yet extremely gorgeous oh my ! I hope I manage to be as gorgeous as you were when you were in labour..
Carina: ohhh Bambina. I did feel so many things but extremely gorgeous wasn't one of them... aye aye , I had my hair up in a bun or high ponytail and was so sweaty and felt disgusting... with both of my legs wide open and having contractions every single few minutes! But I'm really grateful to have experienced this five times !

Maya : yea , and I'm really grateful for having the opportunity to experience this a second time. It's really true that it's extremely different having boys and having a girl inside of you..

And yes , our precious little flower girls are truly growing up... and it's totally normal mi amore !

Carina; yea and I think they are being influenced by their friends or something because they totally didn't seem to care about Londyn's and Niccolas being in the hospital for health issues... it's really breaking my heart babe!

** she started crying and crying **

Since when did they stopped caring about their little siblings.. I mean sure they are excited about their birthday and I understand that I really do .. but they completely shut down when we said we'd do our best to make it home for their birthday and they replied with " YEA okay fine...bye"

Extremely harsh !

Bambina , they were never this mean before...

Maya : I'm sure they didn't intend to sound mean or rude babe, they were just expecting us to be back home for their birthday.. that's all.

And they were never mean and they aren't mean now either , they are entering their pre adolescent phase babe ! Don't worry about that okay ! They obviously love their younger siblings very much so.

Carina: if you say so babe..

Man , pre adolescents and teenagers years really are the worst... we almost have four kids out of ten kids.... Shiiiit !  I'm going to stop thinking about this because it's making me feel sad about them growing up ...

Londyn : momma ... ohhhh mommma !
Carina: yesss my little baby bunny ?
Londyn : do you want to colour with me? Ohhh mommy you are back from laundry room yayyyy you can colour with us too if you want to !

Please please!!

** she was so convincing with her little baby face and she was practically on her knees and she had both hands together and under her chin... **

Carina and Maya : of course we will colour with you...

Carina: I really want to ask Violet and Scarlett if they even. C. A. R. E. D. About the fact that their younger siblings were in the hospital...

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