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Sunday April 7 th 2024

** It's the middle of the night ish .. Carina is up with Niccolas ... while Maya is fast asleep... she doesn't always have to be up at the same time as her wife... at least one of them has a full night of sleep... this time it's Maya... while Carina will unfortunately be up all night... poor Niccolas is being extremely fussy and Carina doesn't know what to do **

4h28 am
Carina: niccco .... What's wrong? You have a clean diaper on... your in a new pyjama with no footsie on .. and I keep changing you from side to side on each breasts ! I only have two bambino ... please stop crying...

** she puts her hand on her eyes and softly cries**

Carina: maybe you want me to walk around the house.... Will that keep you calm enough?!!
Shhhhhhh it's okay....

Ayeeee ayeeee , thank goodness I'm still not going to work anytime soon... and it's Sunday... so everyone can relax all day...

** she gets up from his rocking chair and starts walking around the house and gently rocks him while he's in her arms... he eventually falls asleep on her chest... she has now stopped walking around forty five minutes to an hour later... she covered herself with the blanket on the couch **

5h58 am

Maya : babe , I read somewhere that Daisy , Logan , Oliver and Rose are back again in the foster system..


** she couldn't stop crying **

Maya: I don't understand why babe .. but if they come back in our lives we'll have 16 children to take care of Bambina ...

Carina : I know you never expected that we'd have more than two children yet alone ten , but twelve... I really want to make our home their forever home again... but I'm never going to make you feel like we're obligated to take them home...

** she was now hyperventilating and couldn't catch a breathe ... Maya had to come closer than she already was , she buried Carina's head in her chest and she was comforting her to her best way she could **

Maya : I know.... I will think about it alright?! I don't want you to get any false hopes about this... but I'll give the foster system a call tomorrow morning immediately when it opens... and get all the details we possibly will need....
Carina: okkkkkaaaayyyy and I'll think about it too... maybe my hormones are getting the best of me... making me think we can handle sixteen children with a seventeen one on the way ,, I'm just thankful for the short weekend we spent with them until everything fell apart... 

I love you so much my Bambina ! And I know THIS WOULDNT BE THE ONLY REASON WHY WE SHOULD TAKE THEM BACK INTO OUR FAMILY... but four extra pair of hands to help us out with Niccolas , Giovanni, Salvatore and eventually with Charlotte...

Maya : hrmmm yea I know... we should go back to sleep now and it opens at 8 h am so the first thing I will do is call and we'll go from there okay ?

Carina : okkkkkaaaaaaay ! And Santiago and Skylar are not living permanently with us babe! But.... Scarlett and Violet still have their quadruple bunk beds in their bedroom... they never wanted to get rid of it... even though they no longer sleep in that room because it reminded them too much of their beautiful weekend with Rose and Daisy !

Maya : Awnnn , I didn't knew that they ... kept it like that with the quadruple bunk beds... that's too adorable...

** both wives kissed each other several times before going to sleep ***

Unconditional Love (Eleven) Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz