They are IDIOTS !

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Sunday March 2 nd 2024

** Today is going to be a relaxing day , nothing planned for everyone, Maya is really exhausted, Carina is too , but it's a different kind of exhausted, She's up all night with Niccolas now that he is officially four months old he's staying up all night long, having all of the energy possible... the deluca bishop are going to be shocked by what they will hear on the news later today.... Ohhh my **

1h57 am
Carina: why are you wide awake? Are you going to be a night owl just like your momma !

** she just finished breastfeeding him and now he was on her lap and she was singing quietly to him so she wouldn't wake Maya up **

Maya : hrmmmm good morning my beautiful wife !
Carina : yes you are so cute! Ohhh hi Bambina ! I hope we didn't wake you up?
Maya : you didn't. Come here next to me please!
Carina: alright! Ouhhhh such a big yawn for someone who doesn't want to go to sleep when it's night time..

** she smiles and gave him kisses on his cheeks and she goes back into bed and cuddles with her wife **

Maya : seeing you with him like that is so beautiful, I know you were completely terrified of having to take care of a sick child.. You know that you did the right thing by taking him home right?
Carina: I hope so , I'm more overwhelmed by everything with nine children, well eleven if we're counting Skylar and Santiago .
Maya : eleven children yes ! They are part of our family my love.

Carina: I know .. thank you for accepting them and helping me raise them... even though they are adults now I still feel like they need me for stuff you know? And I haven't been in their lives for twenty two years.... And now that they are adults and they want to be part of my family, our family... it's more than what I could've imagined.. and I'm very grateful for you, and knowing that I get to spend the rest of my life with you makes it more special to me!

** Carina was now crying **

Maya : what's wrong babe?
Carina: I'm happy crying Bambina !
I just freaking love you with all my heart and body and soul. And I always will!

** they kissed each other several times and then fell asleep cuddling with each other, in the big spoon and little spoon position... Maya wanted to do something for her wife she ordered some sexy clothes yesterday and will surprise Carina with it when it comes to the front door ***

Eight hours later

**Everyone is up and had breakfast..  Carina's French toast with a plate of fruits on the side.. with a little bit of maple syrup on the French toast , everyone was doing their own thing, Londyn was playing with building blocks with Giovanni and Salvatore , Chloe was playing the piano.. and Lorenzo was trying his best to convince his two best friends to not go hiking in the most dangerous hiking trail ever known in Seattle **

9h28 am

Lorenzo: so you want to risk your life just for a little bit of adrenaline and lack of adventure in your lives !
Simon and Harper : yea , come on with us man !  Don't be a wuss !
Lorenzo: nahhhh I prefer being a Wuss than doing that!

Simon : Alright, see you later man
Lorenzo: yea !

** he hung up **

They are two idiots!

Maya and Carina: what did they say?
Lorenzo: they said they still want to go in that dangerous trail ! So I told them that I preferred being a wuss and stay home and safe and not being reckless and potentially risking my life..

I'm scared of what could happen to my friends moms !

** he came to sit down on the couch next to Carina , Maya was in the rocking chair with londyn on her lap, she was showing her mommy her new book that she made at school before spring break... with little five by eight papers and little staples... Carina was breastfeeding Niccolas**

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