Getting real glasses

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Wednesday February 28 th 2024

8h38 am
Carina: good morning my bambino , you have to wake up Gio !
Giovanni: whyyyyy no daycare today momma ! I sleep in today.
Carina: I know there is no daycare today but you have an appointment today so we got to go now!
Giovanni: appointment? Noooooo ! Where ?
Carina: yes , with the eye doctor we're going to see if you need real glasses with actual force in them.
Giovanni: but whyyyyyy ?
Carina: because you have been saying that you have trouble seeing from far away and it's important to get your eyes checked out...
Come on let's go, if you do well after your appointment you can get a surprise..
Anything you want!

**Giovanni gasped and sprung out of bed and put on his clothes that were layed down for him on his dresser **

Anything I want?
Carina : siiii ! Come on mommy made pourage for breakfast!
Giovanni: yummmy !

** Carina has glasses too , but doesn't have any prescriptions in her glasses.. she usually wears them to read or just as a fashion accessory. She's going to wear them so Gio won't be too embarrassed to wear his **

Maya : where my little boy at ?
Giovanni: I'm coming mommy I'm coming, guess what? I'm going to go see the eye doctor with momma , and get me real glasses so I don't squint too much mommy !
Maya : ohhh there he is ! Hi , you slept well I suppose, huh ! And yes that's right you are going to the eye doctor today with momma , that's why you have to eat breakfast and be ready.

Giovanni: thank you for making me the pourage ! And yes I was really tired so I slept in a little bit more today.
Carina: I should probably bring Salvatore with me to the eye doctor just to make sure his eyes are all good no ?
Maya : I mean if you want to bring him.. I don't want you to have too many kids at the same time and with tantrums and with Niccolas too !

Carina: I mean it's going to be fine, killing two birds with one stone right?
Salvatore baby , ohhh poor baby, he fell asleep in his high chair...

Ohhhh picolino !

** she goes to wipe his face off and tickles him to wake him up... he was really happy to go with his momma **

8h55 am

Carina : shoot we got to go now! Bye bye everyone, be nice with mommy !

Oh and what ever you do please do not erase my TRUE CRIME AND FOURTY EIGHT HOURS episodes that I have saved up on the living room recorder , I need to binge watch them and then I'll erase them all, and don't forget to give Bubbles her food and a fresh bowl of water... we have to take care of her otherwise she'll have to be placed in a dog shelter and we don't want to do that...

Chloe : you have maybe 300 episodes saved up momma ! That's a lot! I'm on it momma ! Come on bubbles !

** bubbles was so happy she ran after Chloe she knew she was going to get food and water **

Carina : I know, I'll get back to it later tonight or something, what can I say it really helps with
my—- when I can't sleep at night like at all.

Lorenzo: isn't it concerning?
Carina : Lorenzo, I have been watching this program since I was in high school so my brain is used to it by now  and you are all used to it too because that's what I watched eighty percent of my pregnancies with you guys... , anyway I'm running late .

Londyn : waiiiiit , where are you going momma !
Carina: I'm going to the boys eye doctor appointment and I'll be back home in a few hours.. okay !

Londyn : alright bye boys ! Have fun , bye momma ! Love you all! Be careful driving momma ! Don't worry about bubbles she's going to be getting lots of cuddles and I will play with her now.
Carina: yesss ! Don't worry!! Okay good job... I know you will....

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