So much Pelvic pain !

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Thursday March 21 st 2024

** everyone got up on time and ready for school and daycare.. Maya had difficulty sleeping because baby Charlotte keeps getting in her pelvis area , she kicks her in the lower back too.. and she's just extremely comfortable like that, Maya isn't comfortable at all.. she keeps tossing and turning around in bed to get as much comfort as she can! Carina tries her best to help her wife out by waking up with her and giving her lower back massage to relieve the pain, it works. Skylar is the one who woke up with the kids, made sure they ate breakfast, and got everything they needed for the day, she drove her two little brothers to daycare. And went back to sleep afterwards.**

9h03 am

**Maya and Carina are slowly getting up and out of bed.**

Maya : hrmmm good morning babe!
Carina: hiii my love, good morning!

** they both kissed each other several times before Niccolas decided to cry and cry until he was in Carina's arms **

Maya : babe help me out please!!

**Carina in Niccolas bedroom **

Your pelvic bone area huh?
Maya : yesss. How didn't you complain about that? Not even once!

~~Carina slightly chuckled ~~

Ohhh Bambina , every pregnancy is different.. turn yourself on your side, with this pregnancy pillow in between your legs and you'll feel much better.
Maya : okay, come help me get into this position please? Wait we should get downstairs first no?

** Carina agreed , Niccolas was in Carina's arms and he was getting hungry.. she puts him in his baby high chair and gets a baby apple sauce and some easy fruits to serve him quickly ! Blueberries and raspberries didn't need any preparation. So she dragged him in his high chair and gave him his breakfast in the living room, she also gave him a bowl of yogurt. **

Maya : like that? It feels weird how the pillow is positioned babe!
Carina : it's just like the peanut ball in the hospital my love, it's correctly positioned.
You should start feeling better soon.

Maya : alright, thank you... but you know what would really help me feel better?

**Carina looks at her wife with a smile on her face and she grins a little **


Maya : if you could just insert your index finger into my vagina or even use your hands and make her move upwards in my stomach that would be great, because I feel like she's going to rupture her bag of water and come out.. and fifteen weeks is too Early.

Carina : alright, let me just finish giving Niccolas his breakfast first, he's about halfway done! And then I'll get surgical gloves and put him in his playpen with toys.

Maya : alright, I can wait a few more minutes!
Carina: thank you!

**Niccolas was now full ! He had both of his hands in front of his mouth, and that meant he didn't want more food. So Carina placed him in his playpen with his baby toys and went upstairs and grabbed surgical gloves and came back downstairs**

9h18 am

Carina : alright deep breath in.. babe, are you ready?
Maya : hemmm I'm definitely ready, yep!

**Carina successfully inserted her fingers inside maya's vagina and she was able to get Charlotte to change her position in the stomach and she was now head down and her body was upward in the stomach. **

Maya : ohhhh that feels so much better. Ahhhh thank you!

Carina : hrmmm you are welcome!

** she leaned in and kissed Maya , she obviously reciprocated the kiss **

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