Getting better Now!

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Two days later

**It's now Sunday March 24 th and Carina is still in the hospital with Londyn and Niccolas . Maya is there too , she haven't left her wife's side. Possibly the kids are going to be discharged from the hospital some time today. It will depend on how Niccolas is doing with his breathing and how little Londyn's is doing with her seizures.  Both moms slept in the huge hospital bed with Londyn in the middle and Niccolas was in his incubator because he had to be connected to all different types of oxygen and tubes.. poor little guy.**

7h39 am

**Every one is up and ready for the day, Maya knew they would have to stay at least two days in the hospital so she packed everything for everyone. That morning Londyn wanted to have two little ponytails so Carina Glady did that for her. She's doing great so far. She had a  severe seizure last night at about midnight and three in the morning. But she's feeling much better now.**

Londyn : momma , I want to go to build a bear workshop when we get the green light to go home. Please please momma !

Carina: I think that's an excellent idea baby girl!
Maya : what is ?

** she said as she came out of the hospital bathroom **

Londyn : I want to go to build a bear workshop when we get the green light to go home!

Maya : that's an amazing idea!
Carina: yea , and you can show me everything. Because I never went into that sort of shop!
Londyn : what? No way ! Okay , enough of peppa pig videos! I'm going to show you videos of people in build a bear! Mommy help me put a video about this! Momma needs to know what to expect !

Maya : that's a wonderful idea!

Carina : all done with your beautiful hair...

** she gave her daughter kisses on her cheeks and shoulders **

Londyn : yayyy ! do I look beautiful?
Maya and Carina : what? You always look beautiful baby girl! No matter how you look.
But you look..

Londyn : right but I mean more beautiful than when I woke up ! More beautifuller.

Carina and Maya : yes you look more beautiful than ever did.

Londyn : thank you!
Maya : here you go, I put you some videos of build a bear so you can show momma !
Carina: yessss ! I'm excited to see what you do over there!
Londyn : thank you mommy ! Okay so look at this, it's pretty cool... this is the build a bear work—— ** she was laying down against her momma's body as Carina had just finished doing her hair... She had a seizure **

8h48 am

Carina: Ohhhh ! Maya ! Hurry press the nurse button... now ! Owwww ! Ahhhh.

Maya : yep !

** she immediately pushed the button and Arizona and Amelia rushed in to help**

Carina: help me get more comfortable please I'm weirdly positioned.. owwwww !

Anelia : ohh uhhh.
Carina: give me something for my back please! Owwwwwww ! But also help my daughter out please!
Arizona: I'm with Londyn now, Carina everything is fine..
Amelia : right! Here a big pillow.
Carina: thank you! Ohhhh this is such a scary and terrifying feeling.. when she actually has a seizure on you !

Ohhh my lord !

Arizona: hi Londyn ! It's okay.. you are fine.
Londyn : hrmmm where is my momma ?

Carina : I'm right behind you baby girl.. you are so brave...
Arizona: good news ladies!
Maya and Carina: what's the good news ?
Arizona: Niccolas is going to be able to get off the tubes and every machine that he's been on for the past two days. We're starting the removal process now.
Carina and Maya: ohhh yayyy , that is wonderful indeed. Thank you!

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