Dance recital Day

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Friday March 29 th 2024

**Today it's Violet and Scarlett's dance recital... they have been practicing and practicing for their recital for a while now. They are really proud of themselves. Violet's dance style is ballet and contemporary while Scarlett is more hip hop and jazz style..

Everyone in their dance class is performing all day , Maya is having some pelvic pain and back pain but she's hoping that she can make it to the dance recital today. She really does not want to disappoint her precious daughters... . **

8h20 am

Carina: hello boys , it's time to get up and get ready for the day...
Giovanni and Salvatore: hrmmmmm where are we going momma ?
Carina: we're going to go see violet and Scarlett'a dance recital remember?
Salvatore and Giovanni : hrmmm yea ! No far from home right?

**Carina slightly chuckled **

Yea ! Let's go.. it's five minutes away from here. And before that we have to pack all of your suitcases to go to Miami ! The nice beaches and sunshine is waiting for us.
Giovanni and Salvatore: when we go on plane to Mimi !
Carina: we're going tomorrow morning..

Londyn and Alessandro: momma we're all ready to go. See we are all dressed!
Alessandro: yea , I just need to do my hair and put my shoes on and then I'll be fully ready.
Londyn : yea ! I all dressed up all by myself!

Maya : hrmmmm ! Woah I wasn't expecting everyone to be ready to go this early!
Carina: hiiiii babe! How are you feeling today?
Maya : hiiii my love, I'm doing okay, just more pelvic pain and a little back pain but I'm still going to the dance recital today..

Carina: alright, right before we go to the dance recital I'm going to give you a pelvic massage... it's going to help you out a lot!

Maya : alright, then I can't wait!

**Niccolas was crying and crying **

Carina: ohhhh , our bambino is ready to get up !

I'm going to go get him out of his crib! Girls please bring me your ribbon and bobby pins downstairs and I'll do your hair.

Violet and Scarlett: alright momma !

Carina: thank you!

** she quickly changed his diaper and he was starting to get a new teeth so he was clingy to Carina.. she couldn't leave him alone for two seconds before he'd be crying, she immediately put him in the baby carrier and started breastfeeding him while she was doing her Girls recital hair**

~~ The girls are getting picked up by their dance team , they have to practice and practice until the recital starts. It starts at seven thirty in the evening but they are leaving early so they can practice at the dance studio all day. In the meantime Carina was fixing their hair and putting their ribbons in their hair. ~~

Violet: momma , you have to give a massage to mommy so she can stay for the whole recital !
Maya : owww ! Everything hurts

Carina: I will don't worry! Okay your hair is done, only need some hair spray! Cover your eyes Bambina !
Violet : okay good, I'm ready!

** she sprayed the hair spray **

Voila !

you look like a princess my little violet grace !
Babe , I'm almost done doing their hair and I'm going to be giving you a massage.

** she gives her daughter kisses on her cheeks **

Maya : hemmm perfect . Woah Violet you really look like a beautiful purple princess... ohhhh scarley you do too !

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