Made it look easy! 🤰🏼😳

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Saturday April 6 th 2024

**Today it's Santiago and Skylar's birthday.. they are now twenty eight years old... aye aye .. time goes by extremely fast... they are coming home to help their moms and they are going to celebrate with them.... Later today. **

3h22 am

Carina: babe I know you're hiding something from me and I don't like that.. please tell me what it is...

Today is not a good day to mess around with me... keeping secrets from each other... I'm extremely emotional today...  and I don't know why...

** she was so emotional that day and everything was just making her cry for no reason at all **

Maya : everything is fine babe.. I'm just extremely exhausted all the time... you made being pregnant look so easy and I thought it would be easier with this pregnancy but turns out it's not as easy as it looked...

Carina: okay... what is this supposed to mean? You're almost halfway through your pregnancy and I'm not.... What are you trying to say?

Maya: nothing... I'm just saying that I'm really really exhausted and all I want to do is sleep in all day...
Carina: Bambina this scared me so bad I thought you were going to ask me to terminate your pregnancy because you couldn't do it anymore...

** she was now hysterically crying and shaking **

Maya : what??? Ohhhh babe , I am so sorry I gave you that impression.... It's obviously not what I intended to do to you babe...

Carina: okkkkkaaaayyyyyyyy ....

** both wives fell asleep within seconds of hitting their heads on their pillows... **

6h38 am

**Carina is already awake as she's breastfeeding Niccolas and she's also reading her book with her above the bed reading lamp so she doesn't wake up her wife **

Carina: owwww ....  Ayyyyye !

** she repositioned herself properly with her fingers so Niccolas won't swallow air.. she then turned around and saw that Maya was moving around in the bed , she stretched herself out and looked at her gorgeous wife **

Hiiiii babe ! Good morning...
Carina: hiiii mi amore ! Good morning ! How did you sleep last night?
Maya :  I slept well thank you.. and you?
Carina: I slept okay.. I kept waking up to back pain again...

Maya : awnnn , I'm really sorry about that.. it hasn't happened to you in a long time.. those back pain, huh?
Carina : siiii , but other than that I slept well.

Maya : okay .. did you know that Giovanni and Salvatore were born with a little birth mark?
Carina: what? No way ? Where ?
Maya : yea , I noticed that yesterday when I was giving them their baths..

Carina : interesting.. show me where when we get them ready for the day..
Maya : of course I will babe..
Carina: now that I think about it, I think Londyn has one on her left knee.. and so does Violet and Scarlett.. believe it or not but they both have half of a heart shaped and when they are side by side they form a complete heart. It's really beautiful.. and it's in their inner arms.

Maya : what? No way !
I never noticed that before..
Carina: yea , it's been there since they were born.. it took me several years to notice it... but I think it's really cute ! I'll show it to you when they wake up... it may have faded out over the years but it's definitely there in their baby pictures...

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