I've got a Surprise babe!

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Wednesday March 5 th 2024

** since Both wives don't particularly need Valentine's Day to tell them that they love each other.. Maya still wanted to do something for her wife , even though she's pregnant.. by now she's fourteen weeks pregnant and she's slowly getting a baby bump... it's cute ! Carina and Maya also wanted some alone time together.. so they asked Skylar and Santiago to stay home with their kids so they could have a little escapade to rekindle their relationship and love for each other **

10h28 am
Carina: come on babe ! We're going to be late!
Maya : I'm coming babe! Sorry it's difficult to get around with a little growing bump...
Carina: yea .. I know... ouhhh you are just glowing... I can't wait to get to the hotel and sex you up ...
Maya : hrmmm yeah me too and I have a little surprise for you too! I hope you're going to like it !
Carina: a surprise... hrmmm alright, but the first thing we have on our schedule is a nice massage appointment at 11h30 am just for you and me ! Cause pregnancy can be stressful and exhausting especially when you have to take care of your other beautiful children... and I'm more than happy to help you de stress!

Maya : awnnn , that's lovely! And I wouldn't say no to a full body massage... it is a full body massage right?
Carina: siiiii ! Thankfully we live close to the hotel. But still... we have to get going, let's go ! I'm driving .
Maya : alright let's go ! How amazing is that your two beautiful oldest children happily volunteered to stay home with their younger siblings just so their momma and her wife could get a romantic date just the two of them?
Carina: really is... but is that how you think they see you? Only as my wife? Babe! I'm pretty sure they consider you as their other mom and not only as my wife. . And although being a wife is beautiful and exciting... but you are not just my wife... you are the other mother in our relationship and I want you to know that... that's what I want you to understand that...

** she didn't know why she was crying but she did.. **

Maya : babe, of course I know that I'm not just your wife but maybe they don't consider me as their other mother... that's what I meant by that babe! I'm sorry... please don't cry ...

**Carina held maya's hand and continued driving and several minutes later they got to the hotel! It's a beautiful five star hotel and it's pretty luxurious **

10h48 am
Maya : ouhhhh this is going to be exciting...

Carina: siiiii ! And we desperately needed this little getaway... As much as I love each and every one of our beautiful, creative, intelligent, independent, energetic, talented... everything to us of our children it is fun going somewhere just the two of us.

Maya : I know, ouhhhh that suitcase is heavy!
Carina: ahhhhh , leave it on the ground I'll get a suitcase buggy thing we can't be lifting anything heavy... your reason is more obvious than mine but I don't want to re injure myself in the lower back area again !

Gentleman: hi ladies, I can get you your luggage buggy up to your room if you want to!
Carina: grazie Mille !

We have room 627 !

Gentleman: alright.
Maya: I'm going to go do our check in babe!
Carina: I'm right behind you babe!!

11h01 am

Maya : alright thank you for the information!

Babe I have the keys! Let's go see our room!
Carina: excellent!

The gentleman is in the next elevator with our luggage...

Maya : perfect!

** Both of them were standing next to each other in the elevator filled with other people, it was really hard for Maya to contain herself from jumping on Carina and having elevator sex ! Luckily the elevators go fast **

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