Reflection Part 2

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In Kat's lab, Boom was dusting the shelves, humming to himself as Leah was sitting at a desk with one of her text books in front of her. As he went towards Leah, he picks up a pad that was left on the desk. "A file on Mirloc." said Boom.

"Boom, I wouldn't read that if I were you." said Leah, peering over the text book she was holding.

"Aren't you the least bit curious?" He asked. Leah thought for a moment before setting down her book, saying "Ya got me there, Boom." Boom looks back to see if anyone was watching before he and Leah continued reading. "Eh, 'planetary mayhem, theft,' blah, blah, blah." said Boom as he reads aloud. "'Life in prison,' blah, blah, blah. 'Believed to be responsible for the..."

Boom stops reading that sentence and sets down the pad. "Oh." he said and Leah's eyes went wide. "Oh, no."

"This is bad." said Leah.


"This is what we'll do. I wasn't a part of this, I never saw this in your hands. I was just sitting here, studying the whole time. Agreed?" asked Leah.

"Agreed." said Boom.

"I'm going to the command center." said Leah, grabbing the textbook and teleporting away. Boom then walked out of the lab, bumping into Sky as he went. "Hey, Sky." said Boom as he saw him. "Look, I'm real sorry to hear about Mirloc escaping. But I'm sure you'll catch him, which is good, because after all, he is responsible for your father's...oh."

Sky stops walking and turns around to face Boom. He gives Boom an angry look and storms off to the command center, leaving Boom to feel guilty. "He didn't know." Boom said to himself.

In a bathroom, Sky was talking to himself. "How could I be so stupid?" he asked himself in the mirror. Suddenly, Mirloc appears in the mirror. "Don't be so hard on yourself." said Mirloc.

"Mirloc!" Sky exclaims, turning around in hopes to find him in the bathroom.

"I just stopped by to say thank you for providing me with my escape." Mirloc said to him. "I'd love to stay and chat, but I have a lot of crimes to commit."

"Wait!" shouted Sky as Mirloc disappears. On Gruumm's ship, Piggy was thrown in front of the emperor. "Hello?" Piggy cautiously said as Gruumm growled at him.

"Piggy, your time has come." said Gruumm.

"Ooh! You're going to vaporize me?" asked Piggy as he quickly got up.

"Ooh, can I do it?" asked Morgana, with a smug look on her face.

"Perhaps later." Gruumm tells her. "Piggy, you are a lowlife, selfish, worthless excuse for a life form."

"Thank you, emperor." he said, taking it as a compliment. "Flattery goes a long way with me."

"Silence!" Gruumm tells Piggy.

"I'm silent. Zip the lip." Piggy replied.

"Good. Now here's my proposal." Gruumm said as he walks around him. "I know you work both sides of the fence. You've helped me and you've helped S.P.D."

"When? Help S.P.D.?" Piggy asked. "Not exactly the words I'd choose."

"How about 'treason'?" Morgana asked.

"I can explain!" Piggy said defensively.

"Don't bother." said Gruumm. "The next 24 hours you will spend in my unholiest, vilest pit of doom!"

"Oh, well, you don't have to go all out for me." Piggy said.

"And if you survive, you can decide which side you choose..." said Gruumm. "S.P.D. or mine."

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