Chapter Thirty Eight- News

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(three months later)

(three months later)

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I walked through the paths of the palace before stopping to see the entrance of a new guard

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I walked through the paths of the palace before stopping to see the entrance of a new guard.
She was welcomed by many of our guards and there was smiles all around.
"My lady, the lovely Tauriel, she is the new captain of the royal guards", Elós said with a big smile.
I looked her up and down slowly.
She was a pretty elf, young and beautiful.
She had long auburn hair, half braided down the centre and wore a green robe with a detailed belt and brown leggings and boots.
"It is a pleasure to meet you", i said with a small smile, bowing my head.
"Ah! Sweetheart", A voice said loudly from behind, Legolas walked forwards arms out.
He held the back of my waist and the other hand reached out to Tauriel, "I see you have met our new captain of our guards, Tauriel. She is an incredibly skilled fighter and long time friend of mine", he said eagerly. I nodded and gave an awkward smile.
"Please, follow us", Legolas said happily, leading the way inside.
"It has been so long since walking these halls", Tauriel said in awe, staring at her once familiar surroundings.
"So long?", i questioned looking at Legolas. "Well, after the battle of the five armies, Tauriel was banished but i have sent for her to return", Legolas said.
I raised my head and eyebrows.
They seemed very close. "Well, your room will be shown by Elós, let us know if you require anything", he said with a smile. Tauriel nodded and thanked us before following Elós down the halls.

Legolas and i walked back down the halls towards our bedroom before suddenly something hit me, i felt dizzy and my vision blurred. I collapsed into Legolas's arms, "Alena?", Legolas said worriedly, holding me in his arms.
"What is wrong?", He panicked.
"I don't know, i suddenly just felt very dizzy and-" i said slowly, holding my head.
Legolas helped me up and we continued to walk before i ran down the corridor and barged through the guards of our bedroom and into the bathroom.
I knelt over the toilet and threw up , my hands holding my hair behind my head.
I spat before throwing up once more.
"Meleth?", Legolas called out, running to the bathroom and leaning against the doorway.
His face expression changed seeing me so ill.
"Oh my love", he said walking forwards and putting his hand on my back, leaning down next to me.
I threw up once more before looking up at him.
"What happend?", he asked with sparkling eyes.
"Nothing, i must have just ate something bad", i said holding my gags.
He looked at me with furrowed brows before smiling and holding my face, "We shall take you to the healers, they will be able to heal you in an instant i am certain", he said helping me up.
"Legolas, it's really nothing i promise", i said whilst getting up and feeling a rush of dizziness again.
"No, we are going there now", he said holding me and helping me walk to the healing chambers.

"My lord?", A healer said whilst bowing.
"What is wrong with the princess?", a healer asked worriedly.
"The lady Alena is sick, can you see what is wrong and heal her?", Legolas asked whilst helping me sit on a bed.
"Of course, My lord", the healer said rushing to the side to get medicine.
Legolas sat to the side whilst the healer felt my head, looking worried.
My eyes were almost closed as i turned my head slowly to look at Legolas.
The healer started to place his hands on my stomach making me flinch, "Whyabre you feeling there?", i asked slowly.
The healer did not reply but begin to press slightly harder. He stood back and smiled brightly, "My prince, it seems the princess is with child", He said with happiness.
I looked up at him in shock and happiness.
Legolas sprang up from his chair and grinned with joy, he practically jumped like a child. "Congratulations", the healer said honestly.
"Meleth", Legolas said coming to kneel next to my bed, lifting up my gown slightly and holding my stomach, "You are the most loved", Legolas whispered next to my stomach.
I smiled down at the sight, gently stroking Legolas's hair. He got up and froze, he looked overjoyed.
He would finally be what he always wanted to be- a father.
He leaned down and kissed my forehead before looking up to the sky, "Thank you, Eru, for granting me my one desire", he said softly.
I laughed weakly before looking down at my stomach .
I was going to be Queen and now a mother.

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