-5- H̶ ̶̶̶e̶ ̶r̶

53 4 0

A/n: Aha... hah... uh-erm, yea we just gone get into it, let's ride in


Nothing, a body full of nothing. A heart full of nothing, the beating sounds full of... nothing.
           It's funny how you can meet someone for the first time but somehow it feels like you've known them for your whole life— so you give them your whole heart trusting them with it.
             Only to find out they was running a marathon and took a pit stop break only to leave and not come back.

It had hurt when Charlize gave the crumbling news leaving you stunned and confused.
            It was like when she randomly entered your life you shined brighter than all the stars who resorted in the galaxy, only for her to leave like a shooting star.

Lying in the spacious bed a lonely aurora attached to you. Sighing you turned on your back to where you could gaze the ceiling.
                Getting up from bed you walked through your bedroom door entering the hall.

Opening the fridge you grabbed a jug of milk in sight taking it to the already poured bowl of cereal. You had stumbled over to the couch and just stuffed your face with a spoonful, your mind could only think of her.
Every chance it got it was running towards her— remembering the mysterious stranger who decided to come to the country side. And you wished she didn't leave or maybe wished she didn't even show up. You wished Charlize had more time, you wanted the two months to be over already so you could embrace her divine presence once again—

"Ring ring"

You looked around on the couch to search for your phone only for it to crash that you left it in your bedroom, rushing to the back.
You grabbed your phone from the bed and answered the ringing cell "Hello?"

"Open your door" Ava spoke.

"Wh- Are you? Are you at my door?!" You questioned enhanced, pacing to the front of the apartment. The door swung open and all you could do was stand there befuddled while Ava held a wine bottle up. "You madame needs a drink with a fellow companion, which is me obviously" She brushed passed you and went directly to the kitchen.

Closing the door your did a one-eighty.

"When did you? How come you didn't tell me you weren't sick anymore sooner?!" You blasted jokingly.— Sipping from the glass she already poured Ava's shoulders dropped "Mmm, I wanted to surprise you. Thomas told me how upset you were when I didn't come into work last week"

You nodded your head slowly, Ava smiled softly and refilled her glass before filling the other "Come sit with me" She requested while handing you the glass and heading into your living room.
You sipped your glass savouring the tang. Ava squinted her eyes studying you, Ava had this power where she could read your mind and know exactly what was wrong with you. She knew the insides and out of you.
                Leaning forward taking another swig before placing the glass on your coffee stand— "So who was it?"

"Who was who?" Your brows furrowed.— "Y/n, your like this shy away sweetheart who rarely let's things gets to them. And who barely displays emotions no matter how hurt you are, which sometimes I wish you'd come forward about and speak to me about them because I'm always here for you no matter what"

"But- this whole altercation right now feels off, it feels unusual. So who are they?"— "I don't know what you're talking about" You chuckled priorly taking another sip of the wine.

"Y/n" Ava voiced firmly.

"You will not sit here and lie to my face, who was the person you went on the date with— ever since you met them you slipped into this moderate mild depression. I want answers, now"

You stared blankly at her and she at you, she was going full mama bear on you. You enjoyed it in a way but also despised it "Fine" You pouted.

"Her name is Charlize" Ava's faced switched to a whole expression for a split.
             "As in Theron?"— You chuckled slightly "Yea... how'd you know her last name? Do you know her already?"— Reaching for her wine she shook her head "No.... No I don't, uh... continue"

"Okay...Well yea— we had this hilarious first altercation, she apologised about it and asked me out. I went because you begged me to-" You stopped hearing a snicker abroad you shook your head and rolled your eyes. "-Begged me to go to it, we got close within weeks, well days actually. Was it moving fast? Yes it was but I enjoyed her company I suppose, so when she told me she had to go to Cali. I guess I was scared..."

"Scared that I gave a stranger nearly my whole heart just for them to leave and I feel stupid" You chuckled trying to shake the shakiness of your voice off; Ava scooted closer removing the glass from your left hand and placing it down on your coffee stand "Y/n, you look at me" She demanded once she locked eyes again.

And you did "Don't you dare call yourself stupid, I will not allow it. Love can be terrifying, I mean shit I was scared when I found myself falling for Thomas but hey. It. Worked. Out. And I don't doubt that you and Charlize will work out.

           Being two months away from a partner or maybe even a talking stage can be wary and that is fine. She said she'll be back so quit crying love-bug" Wiping the stray tears she pulled you into an embrace to console to your sobs.— "If she really wanted to get to know you I don't think she'll break that promise to come back after whatever she's doing in California, you just have to let life take its course, okay?"

Your head moved against her shoulder "How do you always know the right things to say in the right moment?" You quizzed being slumped against her body.

"I don't know, I feel like a fifty-six year old women even though I'm a year older than you... I guess you can thank my mom for that"Chuckling at the said comment, you seemingly joined in. The laughter died down and you guys sat in comfortable silence, just enjoying the warmth of one another.

"I love you Ava" You murmed.— A smirk slowly formed on her face "I love you too love-bug, now cheer up and let's enjoy these last few weeks till you see Charlize again"— "Do I have to? Can't I just sleep all day to waste time" You whined.

"As much as I want to give into your cuteness, no. One you have a job to work with nonetheless, me. Two, you stay cooped in your apartment all day and it's not healthy you need vitamin D, could you take vitamins, yes. But why not get it naturally. Of course wear sunscreen unless you wanna age quicker"

You rolled your eyes at her joking snark statement "I hate you" You groaned.

"Ahh, pretty sure it's the opposite. Now get your butt up, I'm taking you to a party..."


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