-15- Y̶̶o̶̶u̶̶ ̶w̶̶h̶̶a̶̶t̶?!

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A/n: You get the gist, no moral explanation. Let's ride in!


Well... well... well...

The kiss finally happened, after so much built up emotions. Not being able to express themselves, was let out with such an action. Either of you dreaded for it— and gosh, that's all you could think about, from then on out.
               You smiled so hard just thinking about it, how you kissed your emerald, eyed blonde. Yet the moment you stopped smiling. Did your face hurt, it was excruciating to say the least.

Yes, with the kiss, it was something. Though as before it was just a kiss and only such. You didn't know what you guys were, nothing had been established. Since it just sorta happened.

But. Today your mind was absent from the event as your parents just gotten back from their trip. And you were at the family farm, throwing his arms around you. "Ahh, my baby girl. I've missed you so much bumblebee" Your father let out, while-as twirling you around.

"Oh god, dad, again not in seventh grade. And I'm happy to see you too" You groaned at the beginning.

Laughing it off. Your dad grabbed his case and moved to the side, seeing your mom you rushed to her— giving her the biggest hug. "Hi mama!"

"Hello, my little bumblebee" She embraced.

You sighed in her arms with a smile growing, only to hear a scoff in the background.

"Oh, so I can't call you bumblebee but your mother can?" He verbalised defeated.

Your mom stuck her tongue out and you rolled your eyes. "Cheer up daddy, I still love you" You snickered.— He waved his arm and shook his head, taking his things once more "Mama's girl" He mumbled walking off with his equipment in hand.

You and your mother couldn't contain the laughter and it just flew out.

"He'll get over it" You mother patted your shoulders. You took her things and placed them by the steps for your dad to get, and then proceeded to follow her to the kitchen. Like a loss puppy.

"Hey sweetie, could you go to the garden and pick some fresh lemons? I'm gonna make a batch of lemonade" Your mom asked.
You smiled as that was one of your favourite beverages. "Don't gotta ask me twice" You countered, taking a basket in hand you were out the door.

"That girl" Your mom sighed.

Picking the best ones— you entered inside and at that moment did your front door burst in.

"Where is she?!?!" The voice shouted.

Your mom gave you 'that look' notifying it was Ava, with Thomas tagging behind.
Entering the kitchen, she didn't bat an eye to your mom and went straight towards you.

"Oh Tommy! How are you dear?" Going over to give him a bear hug.
"I'm doing fine Mrs. (insert your last name)" Thomas replied with a smile.

"What is this about?" Brows already furrowed— "I know you went out with her yesterday and I want all the tea" She admitted proudly.

"Wait? How'd you know?"

"Doesn't matter"

"Wait, whose her?" Your mother cocked a brow.

Before you could even reply Ava blurted "She has a girlfriend!"

"Oh really?" Your mom uttered slowly.

You eyed down the redhead.

"And how come you didn't tell me?" Your mom raved, crossing her arms.

"Actually mama, we're not together. We just kissed" And at that moment you froze, Ava didn't even know you and Charlize took the next minor step.
"Hold on! You what?! How come you didn't you tell me?!" Ava whined.

You rolled your eyes and went to the counter to placed down the lemons.
"Because of this Ava Throne. Two, it was just a kiss. We haven't established anything, we don't even know what to call us" You shrugged, taking some pretzels your mom just got out. She swatted your hand.

"Hey!" You cried.

"That's for not telling me" She hummed.

"Can I not have a private life?!" You threw your hands in the air.

"What is she talking about?" Your dad had just entered the scene.— "Our bumblebee has a girlfriend" She patted his shoulder with a laugh, proceeding to take the basket you brought in. Your father huffed and turned to you— "Oh really?" Brows already cocked and arms already folded.

"Mama!" You shouted.— "No daddy, she is not my girlfriend. It is still a talking stage" You sighed.

"Says the girl who kissed her" Thomas chimed in.

"Really Tommy?! Your supposed to be on my side" You boasted.

"Well I don't care. Women or not, they better treat you right" He pointed.— "Daddy she's a really nice lady, you'll like her" You swore.

"Yea yea" He grumbled.

"Hold on, how old is she?" He quizzed.

"Oh umm..." You chuckled, scratching your neck.

"Forty-eight!" Ava shouted.


"Forty-eight?!" Your dad's brow cocked once more.— "Milf lover alert" Ava chuckled, throwing her arms around you. Nudging her in her stomach.

"I'm gonna kill you" You muttered deadly.

Releasing her grip, Ava backed up to head to Thomas. "That's like twenty years apart, bumblebee"

"Okay, I'm starting to feel like this is an intervention. Two, you and momma are ten years apart, so what if I decide to add an extra decade. Guess we can say it runs in the family"
"Hey! Don't bring me into this" Your mom commented from chopping up the lemons.

"You know. Why are we talking about my love life?" You mustard up.— "Well one, your twenty-three. And haven't dated since you were nineteen, not to really pry. You've been alo-"

"Hey! I am not alone. I have daddy, you, Ava, and Tommy. That should be enough"
"Love-bug, she's talking about in the dating realm. You're alone when it comes to love actions from another being, who isn't your friends. Or in this case, parents"

"Okay, you have a point... But still, you should be happy about me seeing someone. So what if the woman I'm seeing is, twenty-five years older. At least I'm dating" You tried reasoning.

"Yea bu-"


"Okay okay, fine. We'll drop it"

"All I'm saying, is that she better treat my bumblebee right" You dad threw his hands in the air.

"Oh she definitely will" Thomas looked at you— raising his brows repeatedly. A smug smirk dated.

"Yea, how was that club room y/n? Or the restaurant? I'm sure you guys had a- lot of 'fun' " Ava snickered.

You grabbed a napkin box and chucked it at her...

God this was going to be dreadful....


(Hah! New record, a chapter published within three days and not five 😌)

Also this was a short chapter, I just wanted to go ahead and put one out. Before I go absent for a week for the spring break. So I hoped you enjoyed.

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