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A/n: No moral explanation so we're just gonna keep it pushing, let's ride in!


Since Ava decided to cover for you; as a prone to letting you catch up with Charlize. However leaving the building, you had realised that you needed a ride home since you always caught a ride here and normally one back. So your mysterious individual offered, like anyone with such a gracious offer you were hesitant— nonetheless with a collection of convincing from her end you eventually let yourself fall graciously.

Stopping at your complex you got off the bike and took the helmet off that still resided in your hands; a question ready to leap from your tongue and into the air. Whereas a diver would jump off a board and into the pool, and it's either the technique if it'll make a splash or stay mildly quiet.
"I'm gonna go change out of this and we can go somewhere if you want?" You offered.

"Sure, that sounds good" Turning the bike off and staying put, you raised your brows but soon they softened.

"Charlize you don't have to wait out here, you know? You can come inside that's if you want"— And once again without words needed to be said she gave you her best; which was your favourite. She gave that crystal smile. Getting of her motorcycle Charlize followed you to your door. Once in she watched you place the helmet down on the counter as she did the same with her own.

"I'll be a sec, you can wait on the couch or whatever! There's also drinks in the fridge if you want any!" You shouted since you already headed to your room.

Putting her hands in her pockets she smacked her teeth. Standing in the same spot she observed your apartment. Letting each fine detail engrave her brain, until something caught her eye. The air pulled at her lips as she waltzed over to a picture frame; that was on a console table.
It was a picture of you younger with a stallion from your family farm, placing it down.
          She gazed at the rest of the frames on the stand— mostly all of them were baby photos of yourself, it stunned her heart per-say.

It's funny actually, how when we were kids, we didn't know anything. We were infants who only knew how to 'coo' and make spit bubbles, and cry at night, causing a family member to wake up and tend to us. Eventually we grew into a stage where we knew how to pick our own heads up and crawl around— which then we were forming basic idioms. Next thing you know we're toddlers who can speak and run as fast our legs took us.
          We were just so pure and young and innocent, and loved...
                We didn't know how cruel and nasty half the world could be until we get older, and normally it hits most of us in an adult life but it can also hit us while we're still mildly young and in high school.

But in all honesty; life is just this beautiful metaphor, a simulation some may speak on.
            Just how stars in the night sky was their own community with different shapes and different brightness. That's how people on earth were, scattered across the globe, different in personality, height, race, anything alive really.

"I see you found the photos" You chuckled— scratching your neck nervously.

Rotating her torso "You are highly adorable" Charlize let the song linger from her throat.—
         "Okay so now, we are just going to put the embarrassment down" You vocalised while retrieving the frame in her hand and putting it back at its home. Turning to Charlize you shared a moment of silence, debating to speak; conversely Charlize beaten you to it.

"So did you actually cry while I was gone or was that just an exaggeration?"

"Well..." You snickered letting your eyes look away from a powerful stare.— "She wasn't entirely wrong. I was upset but as before, work is important, I mean with the economy and all. Things are pretty expensive— so it was understandable" You added.

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